Chapter One

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(*Zac POV*)

I walked out of the house, yawning and stretching. My back cracked and I muttered, "Ow." I rubbed my eyes, a mistake because in the next second, Kai came barreling at me, tackling me to the ground with a playful growl and a laugh. I yelp, laughing as I push him off of me. 

"Whoo hoo! First day of senior year!" Kai cheered, jumping up from the ground. "Come on, Zac, get off the ground." He teased me. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up gently. I smile at him. He sticks his tongue out.

"You're such a child." I laugh, picking up my backpack and brushing it off. 

"And you," He ruffled my hair. "Are a stick in the mud." He teased, laughing as I swatted his hand away to fix my hair. 

I chuckled and sighed, "Yes, but that is why you love me." I joke with a laugh. His cheek tinge a light pink and he messes up my hair again.

"Mhm, and you love my carefree attitude, Zac, admit it, you wish you were me."

"Don't start writing haikus about yourself, there, Kai. Getting all full of yourself."

He laughed and put an arm around my shoulder, causing me to blush. He cleared his throat dramatically, making me laugh, "I am a good....Kai. I do all of my homework. I am the best...Kai."

I laugh loudly. "Well, the syllables are right. Just get some better words." I begin to fix my hair again, failed attempt as he ruffles it. I am certain he just loves to annoy me like this.

(*Kai's POV*)

I laugh, ruffling Zac's hair again. He gives his usual little pout, but I notice something else, too. "Zac, did you sleep last night?"

He gives me a guilty looks for all of two seconds before saying, "Yes." In a hurried voice, looking away.

"The shadows under your eyes tell a different story." I said, beginning the walk with him to school. "For that matter, have even slept this week?" Zac had a habit of 1) forgetting the time and not sleeping. 2) staying awake all night. or 3) being an insomniac. 


"How many hours this week?"

"10." There was the hint of a lie in his voice.


"Fine, 7 hours..."

"In a week, you got 7 hours?"


"You're gonna die at some point because you don't sleep."

"Good. Let me."

I turned to glare, in a friendly way, at him. "Don't be emo, Zac~"

"I'm not emo. I'm realistic."

"...this is why I'm gonna live longer than you."

"Have fun surviving without me."

I laugh slightly. "And if I died first, you'd jump off a cliff because I'm your only friend, and you love me." He smirked

Zac blushed slightly. "You are insufferable, Kai."

"You're the one that's friends with me." I shoot back, laughing as I grab his arm, dragging him with me as I start to run, laughing more as he yelps in surprise

"Kai, stop it." He has such a whiney voice, oh my god. I laugh even more. I continue to drag, him, feeling a tug as he tries to stop me by planting his heels on the ground. All this does, is make me yank him to where he almost falls over. I laugh even more and then yelp, laughing as he starts chasing me. I let go and just run. He's laughing, and catching up easily.

(*Zac's POV*)

I laugh, Kai letting go of me as I start chasing him. I don't have as much energy as him, nor am I as fast, but I have the upper hand, the head start. I laugh, jumping on his back and knocking him to the ground.

"Zac!" He laughs, moving his face so it isn't squished against the concrete. I sit on his back staring at him with a laughing smile. "Get off, you too heavy." He jokes. We both know this is a lie. I do not eat unless he literally forces food into my mouth...which is much more often than I would like. 

I laugh and say, "What? You don't like being beat?" 

"Not by an emo boy." He laughs and I give a glaring smile.

"Okay, Sunny Boy."

"You sound like an old man when you say that."

"You sound like an old man regardless."

"You make zero sense."

"Um...uh...your face makes zero sense."

We both burst out laughing. "Okay, okay, seriously, though, get off me, we have to get to school." 

I laugh and get up, offering my hand. He takes it and jerks me down on top of him. I blush. He laughs and pushes me off before standing up and helping me stand.

(*Kai's POV*)

Zac offers me his hand and I smirk, taking it and pulling him on top of me. I laugh as he blushes. I get up, brush myself off and look at him before helping him up. "Now we're even."

He laughs and pushes me in a friendly way. "Come on, dork, let's get to school."

"Okay, shortie, let's go." I set my arm to rest on top of his head as we walk. He glares up aat me in a friendly way.

"Making fun of my shortness again?" 

"Hmm?" I ask innocently, trying to hold back a laugh. "Whatever do you mean?"

He glares at me with a smile. "You're such a dork."

"You're such a short boy."

He gives me a glare and a pout. "I might be short, but I can beat you up, jock boy."

I laugh loudly. "Mhm, okay, sure, Zac. You've been saying that for ten years. You never do it."

"I judo flipped you when we were eight."

"When we were young and I was weaker and smaller than you." I remind him, laughing. 

"I could do it again."

"Really? Try it."

Zac did try...but did not succeed. "Well..I have no energy right now."

"Great excuse." I said sarcastically with a smile.

"Whatever." He muttered,letting me put my arm on his head again as we continued to walk to school.


So, this chapter takes place 10 years later, when both boys are eighteen, just to clear up any confusion. They wound up becoming great friends despite what Zac had previously said at eight. They are in their senior year of high school now.

Again, if you have ideas for me, comment them! I'm always happy to think them through!

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