Chapter Three

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"You're an idiot," Zac says as we walk into the school.

"You're ev- Jason!!" I see my boyfriend and I immediately call out his name, forgetting what I was going to say as I rush over to my dark-haired boyfriend. He pulls me into and embrace and I respond by kissing him. After a minute, we break apart and I see Zac slip inside his classroom, hood pulled up and a slight glare as he talks to a blonde kid. I don't have time to think on it as Jason gently grabs my chin and turns my head to look at him.

"Haven't seen you in person for a week, Kai. Your hair is a mess." He chuckled, running and hand through it.

I laugh. "As it always is. There's little point in fixing it, I'll just mess it up later." 

Jason continues to fix my hair, as he always does. "Well, it can at least look nice for right now, Kai." He finishes and puts an arm around my waist. I respond by putting an arm around his shoulders, and we start to walk to our English class, the only class we have together this school year. I sigh, leaning into him. I glance into the AP Chemistry room and see Zac talking to that same blonde, a glare on his face. He looks angry. Then the blonde seems to scoff and goes to sit in the front of the class, leaving Zac alone in the back.

I wonder what that's about. I think. Both boys seem kind of mad...I'll ask Zac about it during lunch maybe.

"Hey, earth to Kai." Jason laughs, waving a hand in front of my face. 

"Hmm? What?" I look at him.

"I was thinking...during lunch, maybe we could hang out together? One on one? With no Zac this time?"

I look at him. I always thought he was cool with having Zac hang out with us. The entire summer, I guess we made Zac a third wheel. I brought Zac along to most of mine and Jason's dates because I knew that he wouldn't be going out of the house if I didn't. Jason always seemed fine with it. "Well, I mean-"

"Come on, Kai. We do everything with Zac. I was lucky to get you alone for our one-year anniversary last month. Can't we just do something without Zac, for once?" He seems to be getting a little annoyed. 

I look at him in shock. "Zac is my best friend, Jason, why can't I do things with him?"

"I didn't say that. I just want more time to you with just us. Without Zac."

"But who's Zac gonna hang out with? You know I'm his only friend."

"That's another thing. He would have more friends if you just left him alone."

"Left him alone? What the hell are you saying, Jason?"

"Just hang out with me at lunch." Jason says. "And without Zac."

"What if I want to hang out with Zac?"

"Choose what you want to do, Kai, but I'm telling you right now. It's me or him. Choose whoever makes you happier."

I stared at him in shock, moving out of his grip. "What the fuck do you mean?"

"Choose, Kai, and choose wisely." He responds, walking to take a seat at the front of our class, with his buddies. I gape at him, completely and utterly shocked.

How was I supposed to choose between my boyfriend, and my best friend of ten years?


This wasn't where I originally thought the chapter was going to go, but hey, drama. But seriously, oof. I would hate to be in that situation...but I mean the answer is pretty obvious...right?

As always, let me know in the comments if you have any ideas!

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