Chapter Thirteen

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I went through the pictures in the box. There were hundreds of them. They were of just me and Zac through the ages. Zac seemed genuinely happy in most of them. Some of them He tried to get the camera off of him, not liking it because he hated when his picture was taken. The pictures and memories they brought up didn't make me think that Zac had ulterior motives to being his friend, but I could just be oblivious. 

A few hours later I sat in my room, sitting at my desk, still looking through old photos of me and Zac. I laugh at the one where I had skinned my knee and Zac was the one crying for me while I tried not to laugh. I remember that day. I smile fondly.

My daydream are interrupted as I hear shouting through the window. I automatically get up and rush to the window, checking to see what all of the commotion is about. As I get closer to the window, I recognize the voice to be Zac's voice. He is screaming his sister's name. I peek. He and his parents are in the room. He orders them out. When they leave he huddled on the floor, muttering Bea's name. I close the window and the curtains. I can't stand to hear and see him like this. Plus, the moment seems like something I shouldn't see.

I sit on the edge of my bed, thinking. He had been screaming Bea's name. Why? What had happened that was so bad he was left as an emotional wreck? Was she hurt? Or worse? Wait...could she be dead? No, no that can't be right. She must be hurt. There's now way Bea could possibly be dead. It was too much to think about. It was mentally kill Zac, though. Would leave him as the wreck he was when I saw him...

Bea was always like a sister to me, even though she was Zac's sister, not mine. She treated me kindly and always thought of me as someone sent to help her brother out of his over depressed state. I would hate it if she was hurt, or dead. Maybe Zac was overreacting...maybe nothing that bad happened. There was no way anything bad could have happened...right?

I sigh, going back over to my desk. I would find out tomorrow. Go over to their house and ask Zac's parents about it. It was the best, and only, option.


Well, at least Kai cares...right? 

As always let me know in the comments if you have any ideas, I will think them through!

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