Chapter Six

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I called my aunt Jade and, of course, she answered immediately.

"Hey, Zac Attack." She says, happiness in her voice.

"Hey, Aunt Jade." I say, exhaustion laced in my words. 

"Uh oh, Zac, what happened?"

"Can you pick me up from school? I don't feel like staying here for three more hours."

Being the coolest aunt in the world, she replied, "Of course I can. I gather you wouldn't like me telling your parents, would you?"

"Please don't." I mutter. I hear my aunt sigh.

"Okay, and will Kai be joining us today?" She always smiles when talking about Kai. She's always said he was an Angel sent to be with me. I grit my teeth and reply to her question.

"No. He won't be joining us."

"Uh, oh." She mutters. "I'll be there soon." She hangs up. I sigh and walk to my locker, quickly grabbing my backpack and my homework from my first four classes. I'll have to figure out the homework from my last three tomorrow. There's no point in going to ask for it because they'll ask me why I'm leaving. It's not exactly the best idea to tell your teacher that you dumped milk on your best fr- on your ex best friend's head and want to leave.

I close and lock my locker and start to walk out the school. It's real easy. They don't exactly lock the doors from the inside, so technically anyone is free to go at any point of the day, but most of the students choose to stay rather than accept the consequences of leaving without permission. Personally, I could really care less. And the school, after a while, just stopped caring about me leaving. I did it so often, I wore out the principal and now I am free to leave at any time with no punishment. Well, the teachers scold me slightly, but they can only report it to the principal, who, as I said, does nothing about it. 

Stepping outside the school, I feel a slight breeze on my face and the smell of rain coming soon. I look up at the sky, dark and cloudy. That seems fitting for today. After everything that happened, I think I would've screamed to the heavens if it was sunny. I wait by the parking lot for my aunt to show up. She does, driving up in her red Honda Civic. She rolls down her car window.

"Someone call for a ride away from school?" She asks, unlocking the door, so I can get in the passenger seat.  "Alright, boy, tell me what happened. You sounded all sour when I asked if Kai was coming with us. Are you two in a fight, or something?" Maybe sisterly instinct is common, and maybe it could be called aunt instinct when the person gets a niece or nephew. Either way, my aunt always knows when something is wrong, just not on the same level as Bea does.

"You could call it that. It would be an understatement." I mutter bitterly.

"Oh, no. Not that voice. What happened? Tell me everything." She says, starting to drive the car.

So I sigh, leaning against the window and begin to tell her everything that happened since that morning, started when Kai was ignoring me in between classes.


I wrote this at 5 in the morning on a run of zero sleep, so you know. I kind of just wanted to update for y'all. 

As always, any ideas, tell me in the comments, I'll think them through!

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