Chapter Twelve

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*one time thing*
(* Bea POV*)

"Attention, folks, we seem to be experiencing some severe turbulence right now, so I would strongly recommend you all sit in your seats, remain calm, and put those seatbelts on." The pilot instructs over the intercom.

Me, being the safety freak that I am, hurries to put on my seatbelt, putting my phone away. Then the feeling of falling started and a shriek pierced the air...

(*Zac POV*) 

It was maybe eleven in the morning when I bolted awake, feeling like I was falling. But I had had a dreamless sleep, no falling in sight. I felt a plummeting in my gut, as if something was wrong. Why would I be feeling like I was falling, and why did I feel like something tragic was about to happen. I've never felt like this except for...HOLY SHIT BEA WAS FLYING IN TODAY! What something wrong with the plane? Was there a problem? Is that why I felt like this? Was Bea about to be involved in a plane crash?  I sat bolt upright, my breathing quickening as I felt a panic attack coming on. I took a deep breath. It was fine, Bea would be fine. Nothing was going to happen...right?

I nod to myself. Yeah, the chances of a plane crashing is low. I'm sure it's nothing. I would find out in an hour...when Bea was supposed to be back. I sit on the edge of my bed, worrying my ass off. I decide to watch tv, so I turn it on. The first station is the news station, of course. 

"This just in, a plane crash has happened right near Washington-" I switch the tv off. Oh hell nah. There's no way...there's no, it's too close to have happened, right? I mean, Washington was less than an hour flight away...right? So there was no reason that my sister should've been on that plane. Yeah, yeah, that couldn't have been the plane she was in. Her plane was still flying, yeah, on it's way to our hometown.

That's what I have to believe. I sigh deeply and go to the window. I open the curtains and then open the window. I notice that Kai is coming out of the bathroom, looking sad as fuck. Our eyes meet for a second before I go away from the window and go downstairs to grab a bottle of water, hoping it might calm my overwhelming anxiety right now. 

I eventually do calm down, but my anxiety heightens when it starts to be 2:00pm and my sister is not home yet. Then I hear my parents outside my door, arguing abut something before the door bursts open. I jump, startled at the sudden entrance.

"Zac, we need to tell you something." My mother begins. Being honest, it's a shock hearing her voice. We haven't talked over anything except text in a while. 

"Okay? What is it?" I am too shocked by the sudden entrance to think right now.

"Zachary, don't overreact, don't do anything rash, but..." My mother glances at my father who gently squeezes her hand. "Bea was in a plane crash...and there were no survivors...." 

I stare at my mother for a whole minute before my brain begins to process. "No NO!! NO NO NO NO NO!!" I shout. "NO! Not Bea!! Not Bea!" Tears start to flow down my face as I shout, throwing random thing across the room. My parents flinch and my mom starts to try to hug me, but I push her away. "No! Go away! No no no!!"

They wind up leaving, closing the door behind them as I curl up into a ball on the floor, sobbing, shouting, and saying my sister's name, over, and over, and over, and over again. I can't be possible. Not my precious Bea. My annoying, confusing, amazing as hell older sister...


Y'all, I hope you don't hate me for doing this....I think you will'll understand why Bea had to die in later chapters...

As always, comment any ideas you have! I'll think them through!

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