Chapter Ten

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After I close the curtains, I sigh and turn to look around my room. It's an absolute mess. I pick up a stray t-shirt and a pair of shorts off the floor. I grab a pair of boxers out of a drawer and then head into the bathroom. I really need to wash this stupid milk out of my hair. Not gonna lie, it took a while to get it all out, and at least three times shampooing and rinsing my hair. After I finish cleaning myself off, I kind of just sit down on the shower floor, letting the warm water fall against my back. I sigh, curling and putting my chin beneath my knees. 

A wave of guilt washes over me again. In my mind, I think of all the times with Zac: when we first met, the days we first became friends...oh god, that day was fun.


Kai stands by the window by the door, looking outside. His mother had told him the boy that just moved in, Zac, would be coming over again today. He had started to like Zac, even with his grouchy personality, he was a kind person at heart, Kai could tell.

He sees Zac coming up to the door and rushes away from the window. The knock comes a second later. "Momma, get the door!" Kai shouts. His mom sigh, shaking her head and smiling as she answers the door.

"Why hello, Zac. Are you ready for your playdate?" She asks.

The eight year old stares at her with no expression. "Sure."

It was maybe an hour after he arrived that the two boys were awkwardly sitting in the living room. Kai spoke up, " you"

Zac showed interest at the word puzzles. "Puzzles? Yeah, I like puzzles. Why? Do you have some?"

Kai smiles brightly and nods. "Yeah, yeah, I do! We got big ones! I love puzzles! They take a long time, but they are fun!"

Zac shows a smile for the first time. "Really? I didn't think...oh, well, can we do a puzzle?"


"Yay! I knew I would like you." Zac says, though it was not the complete truth.


I sigh, running a hand through my wet hair. The water is starting to turn cold. The guilty feeling eating away at me yet again. I knew I would like you. The sentence echoes in my brain. We had bonded over puzzles, something I haven't liked to do in a long time. Sure, we were different, but that's what made us so close, we counteracted each other and made sure the other person always had what he needed. Maybe I didn't make the right, I can't think like that. I chose Jason, he's my boyfriend, he has to be the right choice.

I stand up, legs shaking slightly. I turn off the water and get out of the shower drying off before dressing in the clothes  had grabbed. I hear a notification from my phone as I walk back over to my bed. I flop down and check the message, actually messages. There are a lot of missed messages and even a lot of missed calls from the same person.

Bea: what the fuck did you do
Bea: Kai i swear to fucking god
Bea: I just got that very terrible feeling
Bea: zac won't answer the phone
Bea: fucking answer my texts
Bea: zac told me earlier u were ignoring him between classes
Bea: what the fuck did u do and why the hell do i have the terrible gut feeling that something is wrong with my brother, kai?
Bea: i am gonna murder you
Bea: i got a strong gut feeling zac is physically hurt
Bea: we know what that means and i am going to physically come flying home to murder you if either you don't answer the phone or if u did something terrible
Bea: KAI

All of that in the short span of forty or fifty minutes. I definitely should reply to her. I bite the nail of my thumb. Bea feels like Zac is physically hurt. Yeah, we both know the only way that could happen, me more so than anyone. He always told me everything...and it wasn't long before I had found out his way of coping. I sigh and start to reply.

Kai: sry i was in the shower

Bea: that's what ur gonna say first?
Bea: really?!

Kai: um...
Kai: ur not gonna hurt me are u?

Bea: depends what did u do

Kai: I may have
Kai: um
Kai: told him not to interact with me anymore
Kai: and i meant it.....


Kai: um...........

Bea: i'm getting on the next flight out there and physically am going to hurt you
Bea: maybe murder u
Bea: and I am going to make u regret what you did bc u deserve to regret it, u stupid little-
Bea: i'm blocking u
Bea: and i'm going to advise Zac to do that same

Kai: bea cmon don't be rash...

I groan loudly, staring at the phone. Shit...maybe I should've lied. No, Zac would've told her anyway, and it would mean even more hurt for me. I knew Bea was serious, she almost always was, especially when it came to Zac. 

This is gonna be great. I hope something prevents Bea from getting here.


Do you guys agree with Bea? Let me know in the comments your thoughts on that. Do you think she should be flying out? What's gonna happen if she does fly out? Let me know what you think. I have an idea already...y'all are gonna hate me so much when I actually put it into action...hehe...other than that no spoilers

As always, comment any suggestions you guys may have regarding to the story! I will always think them through!

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