Chapter Fifteen

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It's been a week since Bea's funeral. I haven't seen Kai since that day. At first, I had thought he was ignoring me again, but then I got a text telling me that his mom had forced him to go to Florida to help take care of his sick grandfather. As much as I want him here with me, his grandfather needs him more than I do. I can survive. Besides, he's coming home tomorrow, anyway!!

On the plus, side, Kai took away my blade, so I can't cut myself anymore. Personally, I don't like using a knife, so yeah, no way I want  to cut myself is in the house. 

On the minus side, my parents are forcing me to go back to school. They told me I would be in major trouble if I didn't go, or if I just walked out again. So, I'm in my fourth period class right now. Lunch is in about thirty minutes. I raise my hand.

"Yes, Zac?" The teacher asks, looking up from the desk.

"Um, can I go to the restroom?" I ask awkwardly as most of the kids in class turn to look at me.


Why? The fuck? Why the hell would someone need to use the restroom? No, lemme just say I'm going in there so I can go murder someone. Like the fuck? "I have to use the restroom."

"Fine. grab a hall pass and go." He waves dismissively as I stand up and start to walk out, grabbing the blue hall pass as I do so. The entire class is staring at me, not used to any sort of talking that I actually made happen.

I get to the bathroom and walk in, casually twirling the hall pass around my finger. he first thing I notice is that there's a boy in here, at one of the sinks. The second thing I notice is that the boy is Uriah, the one I was rude to a while back. That's not a bad omen, now is it?

"Oh, it's you." Uriah smirks at me. "What's up, emo boy?" He moves until he is blocking the exit. Shit.

I slowly head for a stall, walking backwards so I can look at Uriah. I think I am in the clear when I close the stall door, but he pushes it open before I can put the lock on. "W-what are you doing?" I try to push him away, but he overpowers me, shoving me against the wall and touching me in an inappropriate place. "Hey! L-let go of me!" I stare at Uriah with wide eyes, seriously surprised at this point.

"Why should I? Come on, fight back." He laughs, knowing full well that he can overpower me really easily. He continues to touch me and forces a kiss. I try to push him away again. He just smirks as he basically tears my shirt off. I close my eyes tight, just wanting it to be over with soon.

When the touch goes away, I open my eyes to find that Uriah is being held by the neck, against the wall. And none other than Kai is right there, the person holding Uriah like that. 

"The fuck are you doing, huh? What are you planning on doing to Zac?" He presses harder in Uriah's neck, making him claw at Kai's hand.

"Kai! Stop it!" I say, nearly shouting. The truth is, seeing Kai like this is kind of scaring me. I have never seen him like this in all the ten years we have known each other. It is so different from his sunny personality. He looks at me, letting go of Uriah. Uriah proceeds to fall to the ground, struggling to breath for a second before scrambling away and, I assume, out of the bathroom. Kai instantly comes over to me, checking me over for any injuries.

"Are you hurt? What did that bastard do to you?" He looks at me, worried. 

I wrap my arm around him. I don't know why he was here a day earlier, but I was very glad about it. "I'm fine. I was just scared. The most he did was get my shirt off and kiss me." I shake slightly, letting Kai's firm, strong arms embrace me. We stay like that for a little while, until the lunch bell rings.


...idk at this point. yk, when I first started this story, I had no idea I would make it turn out this way, ngl. It came out much weirder, more violent, and more mature than I had planned it to. It was originally supposed to be a fluff story with a little angst, but I guess that idea went out the window.

I think I might only do a few more chapters because idk what to do at this point. If you have any ideas, please don't hesitate to let me know, so I can maybe add them in.

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