Chapter Five

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(*Zac POV*)

I sigh, turning off my phone and beginning to walk to the cafeteria, something I usually did with Kai. I start searching for him in the crowd, but I can't find him, so I just go sit down at the table we always sit at. I wait for him to show up, watching the cafeteria doors.

I finally see him walk in, talking and laughing with Jason, arms around each other. That pang of jealousy comes back, but I shrug it off. I watch as he comes up to the table.

"Hey, Ka-" I begin, but he and Jason begin to walk past the table, going to a different table in the back, where the basketball team is hanging out. I stare at then in disbelief, tears forming in my eyes as I watch Kai laugh and joke around with the team, forgetting me, alone at the table that we have always sat at. 

(*Kai POV*)

Me and Jason walk into the cafeteria, laughing and having our arms around each other. I keep laughing, unconsciously heading for the table me and Zac always sit at before he leads me to a table in the back, where our basketball teammates are. I can't lie, it kind of pained me to walk right past my best friend, ignoring him without a word.

We go to sit with our basketball buddies and Nate, a brown haired beast of a teenager, says, "Yo! Kai, you're sitting with us for once? Where's your emo bestie?"

"He's emo bestie is now just an emo stranger." Jason said, laughing slightly. I felt a tightness in my chest and a burning behind my eyes. I looked down at my lap, not saying anything as the team talked around us.

"Damn, wait really?"

"You guys are always together. What happened?"

"I bet the emo brat did something."

"Yeah, he's never really seemed like a good person to me."

"Always grumpy."

"And mean."


I interrupt. "I need to use the restroom." I start to stand.

(*Zac POV*)

I enter the bathroom and start splashing my face with freezing cold water from the sink, hoping that what just happened was a daydream, or a nightmare. Literally anything but the truth. Wishing that Kai didn't just walk past me, ignoring me completely, and going to laugh and talk with his team. Is that selfish? I hope not. I groan and keep splashing my face with cold water, hearing a person walk into the bathroom and the freeze. I look up.

"Kai! Oh, my god!" I look at him, about to tackle him in a hug because I'm just like that with him. He stops me, gently putting a hand on my chest to keep me away. I look at him, utterly confused. "Kai, what-"

He sighs heavily and says, "I don't want you talking to me anymore. I don't want you near me at all. And I most definitely don't want to see you again. Understand?" He looked at me.

I stared at him in shock, feeling a tear go down my cheek at his words. "W-w-what?"

"You heard me. Now, do you understand?" He glared at me, causing me to flinch because this was not one of our friendly glares. I nod quickly and then he leaves the bathroom. I slowly slide down to the floor, letting tears fall.

(*Kai POV*)

Jason grabs my arm. "Want me to come with?"

"No." I mutter. He lets go of my arm and I begin to walk to the bathroom, noticing that Zac is no longer at the table. A tinge of guilt goes through me. I sigh and walk into the bathroom. Curse my luck, Zac is in there, splashing water on his face. He freezes and looks up. God, why does he look lowkey kinda cute with his hair plastered to his face. I banish that thought.

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