Chapter Four

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(*Zac POV*)

All day, all I could think about was the pang of jealous-if it even was jealousy-I had gotten when Kai and Jason kissed. It confused me so much, and I really wanted to talk to Kai. Usually, we meet up during passing periods, but when I see him in the hallway, he seems to be walking away from me quicker than I can reach him. It's making me feel kind of hurt, to be honest. I'm glad that lunch is in five minutes, I really need to talk to him.

"Zac, could you please tell us the answer to number nine?" The teacher asked. 

I glanced up then looked at my work. "Fifty-three point seven two zero one." I muttered, looking at the table.

"Correct!" The teacher replied before asking a student for the answer to number ten. I sighed and looked out the window at the kids enjoying first lunch. Sometimes it sucked having second lunch, all the waiting.

(*Kai POV*) 

I still can't believe what Jason had said. I avoided both of them throughout the day, thinking hard about what choice to make. My boyfriend of little more than a year, or my best friend of ten years? This is a hard decision, but I think I know what I'm gonna do.

"Kai? Hey, Kai? Do you have the answers to the homework?" Giselle, the girl next to me, asks, drawing me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah." I nod and hand her my homework. She starts to copy it all down. Technically they aren't my answers. They're Zac's answers. I got most of the problems wrong before he sat down and redid everything for me. Thinking about that made me rethink my decision. Me and Zac have been friends for ten years. He has never hesitated to help me, and doesn't even stop there. He goes above and beyond just to make sure I'm good.

God, why does this have to be so hard?! I ask myself, groaning softly and putting my head on the desk.

(*Zac POV*)

The bell rings, signaling lunch. I am about to head to find Kai when I feel my phone buzzing I pull it out.


Reluctantly, I answer it. "Hey, sis."

"Hey, Zac. I got a funny feeling earlier. Are you doing okay?" Bea immediately asks. That was the thing about my sister, if I was ever feeling down, angry, or even slightly off, some type of sisterly instinct kicked in and let her know. Even if she was halfway across the world.

"I'm fine," I sigh. "I just feel like I did something. Kai is"

"Off? What do you mean?"

I sigh and lean against the wall as I answer, "I mean, everything was fine this morning, we were joking around and laughing. Then, we got to school, he saw Jason, you know how that goes." Bea made a sound of knowing. "And then I pulled up my hood, walked past to go to class. And now suddenly, I feel like I did something because he's walking away from me when I try to go up to him in the hallway, and he's not answering any of the texts I sent him. Did I do something?"

I can hear Bea sigh on the other end. "I don't think you did anything. You said you left while he was with Jason?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, do you think Jason might've said something? Something that put Kai off?"

"I don't think so. Jason is one if the kindest people I've ever met after Kai. He knows how close me and Kai are. He wouldn't try to get between that...would he?"

"If he feels threatened by you, or if he feels jealous of how close you two are, he might." Bea responds, sighing slightly.

"Why would he feel threatened by me? I'm a short little wimp."

"And nerd." Bea laughs.

"Bea." She made me smile, though.

"But being for real, he might feel jealous of how close you two are. You and Kai have been best friends for ten years, Zac. You know him better than anyone, and that might make Jason feel threatened and jealous. I think you should just talk to Kai and ask him what's going on. That's always the best choice, little bro."

I sigh and nod, though I know she can't see it. "Okay, thanks Bea. I'll text you, or call you after I talk to him, to let you know what's going on." 

"You better, nerd. Love you, Zac. I'll talk to you later." Bea says.

"Love you, too, sis." I smile and then hear the dial tone. I sigh and turn off my phone. It's time to go talk to Kai.

(*Kai POV*)

I watch Zac while he's on the phone, debating whether or not I should talk to him. This choice is much to stressful for me, and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I sigh, deciding to just go talk to Zac, when...

"Boo!" Jason laughs and grabs me by my hips and I jump in shock.

"Jason!" I complain, giving a small laugh. I turn to look to see Zac, but he's disappeared. I sigh, but that quickly gets stopped as Jason presses his lips to mine. We stay like that for a minute before pulling away.

"So, made up your mind?" He asks, smiling at me.

I was about to say no, but then I realized that, yes, I had made up my mind. "Yes." I smiled at Jason. "I choose you, not Zac." 

Jason smiles widely and hugs me close before kissing me again. I gotta say, in that moment, I felt like I had made the best choice of my life. Not even a hint of regret passed through my mind as I surrendered into the kiss with Jason.


You ever just wanna kill your own character even though you're the one that made them do what they did? Yeah, I want to do that right now. I mean, we all saw this choice coming. Maybe he'll change his mind, maybe he won't. Kai might be a stupid boy, or maybe he'll be smart. Don't know right now. hehe

As always, comment any ideas you have for me! I'd love to hear them!

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