Chapter Fourteen

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(*Zac POV*)

I suppose it's been almost two weeks. I've gone to school because my parents have forced me to, but I almost always left after my first class. Nothing seems real anymore, with Bea gone. I still find myself looking at my phone, waiting for a call to ask me how I am, a text to tell me that her class was hell. But that will never happen again. I added more cuts to my body, adding some on my thighs now, too. It doesn't hurt anymore. All I've felt is numb after my breakdown over my sister. No one approaches me these days, no one tries to talk to me. I haven't seen Kai very much anymore. I honestly like that I don't. It makes this life less painful to not see him. 

If I did see Kai, I think I would be pushed over the edge, kill myself finally instead of sitting at home every day, numb, unfeeling, unable to do anything, but add more cuts. I question why it had to be Bea, why it couldn't have been me. Bea was such a kind person, even if she was a little annoying sometimes. I was the exact opposite. It should've been me that had to go. Bea didn't deserve  the fate she got. 

And now her funeral is tomorrow, and everything just seems to get even more real. I find my self on the floor again, crying, cutting, and regretting everything from the last ten years. 

(*Kai POV*)

It's been almost two weeks. I've been with Jason, pretending everything is okay when I know it's not. I've caught him a few times kissing that other boy. I've debated breaking up with him, but it would be nothing but trouble for the two of us. Sometimes, I catch glimpses of Zac around school, or through our windows. I don't think he ever sees me, though. He seems depressed. Well, more depressed than usual that is.

But now I know the reason. My mother had talked to Zac's mom. Bea was gone, died in a plane crash on her way here. I can't helo  but think that maybe it was my fault. I was the one that hurt Zac, the one that made Zac hurt himself and give Bea her gut feeling. She had gotten on the plane because of my actions. It made me feel even more guilty about what I had done. God, I am so fucking stupid.

And then I was told I had to go to the funeral. That dragged up and old memory. 


Kai was fifteen years old as Bea walked into the room. Zac had gone to the bathroom, so the two were alone. Bea sighed, crossing her arms. She was only home for the holidays. She had to go back to college in a week. 

Bea glanced at Kai then at the bathroom door. "I have a gut feeling that I'm gonna die young." She said to Kai.

Kai looks at the girl who has become the sister he never had. "What do you mean, Bea?"

"I mean, I have a gut feeling I might die in a few years. I'm making a will. I'm gonna leave something in it for you, just in case I do die young. I think that hopefully you'll know what to do with it when you see it." Then she left, right before Zac exited the restroom.

(*Zac POV*)

Well, it's the day of Bea's funeral. I don't know why time is moving so fast without her. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about all of this. I somehow managed to get dressed, though, in a nice black suit and black tie. The shirt underneath is white. I wear dress shoes that are definitely too tight, but the pain keeps me grounded during the funeral, out of my thoughts as I listen to people talk. Then the will is announced. Bea left me all her money, a stuffed bear named Oreo she could never have gone on without, and a ring. But it wasn't just any ring. It was my Granpappy's wedding band. 

My Grandpappy and my Grandfather were the first gay couple in our family. They got married as soon as it was legal. They died not too long after, leaving Bea both of their rings. I had always liked the silver one, Grandpappy's ring. I smile sadly, thinking of how Bea remembered, tears going down my cheeks. Then I hear what Kai got. 

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