Chapter Eight

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(*Zac POV*)

My Aunt Jade stopped at McDonald's on the way home, but I told her that I didn't want any she bought me a Happy Meal.

"Aunt Jade, I said I didn't want anything." I mutter, sighing as we pull out of the drive-thru.

"Too bad. You look too skinny to be healthy, so I want you to eat. And you better eat everything in the Happy Meal, or I am driving you back to school and calling your mom." She replies, keeping her eyes on the road as the light turns green.

Grumbling, I begin to eat. It's good, I guess. It's the first thing I've eaten since two days ago, when Kai forced me to eat a hot dog. The thought nearly makes me want to throw up, cry, scream, and punch something all at once. Mainly because it includes Kai. Also because I wind up throwing up after eating anything. I'll have to hid that from Aunt Jade when we get to her house, or just tell her I got a stomach bug or something.

I eat slowly and am almost finished by the time we pull up to my house. It's pretty much safe until late at night because I know my parents are going to be at work until eleven or twelve at night. "Thanks, Aunt Jade." I mutter, unbuckling my seat belt. 

"Of course, Zac. I hope your day gets better." She says, unlocking the car doors. 

I sigh heavily and get out, closing the door behind me. "I do, too." I mutter to myself.

(*Kai POV*)

My mom takes the long way home. I think she thinks I'll talk to fill the silence during the long ride, but I'm not gonna fall for it. Besides, it gives me more time to think about everything that happened today.

I mean, it started out normal. Me and Zac were joking around having fun. I was flirting. I mean, fake flirting. We were teasing each other. Then we get to school and, yeah, technically I ignored him to go over to Jason, so he left. Then Jason drops the bombshell on me that I have to choose between him and Zac. It's a hard choice. No one wants to make that fucking choice! But in the end, I chose my boyfriend, like any person would...right? It's not possible I could've been in the wrong, is it? 

And then Zac's reaction. When I told him to stop interacting with me, oh my god, he looked so hurt. He had tears in his eyes, falling down his cheeks. And then I left him there, no other explanation. It was all fine until he walked over to the table I was at and poured milk on my head. But this guilty feeling, why do I have it? If I made the right choice, I shouldn't feel guilty. Did I make the right choice? I thought I did. After all, Jason was my boyfriend. Zac has to understand that I would choose Jason over him. Any person would choose their boyfriend over their best friend. It's normal...right?

I sigh heavily. My mom pulls into our driveway and unlocks the car doors. I automatically get out.

(*Zac POV*)

I look over as I hear a car driving into Kai's driveway. It's his mom's car. And then I see him get out of the car. He stretches and then glances around, his eyes landing on me. I look away and start to hurry into my house, tears slowly building up in my eyes. God, I hope this isn't how it's gonna be every time I see him now.

The stupid door is unlocked. I fumble for my keys, dropping them before shoving the right key into the lock and turning it. I hurry inside and shut the door. Peeking out through the window, I see that Kai is standing there, a confused look on his face before he shakes his head slowly and begins to walk inside of his house.

Almost as soon as I walk inside, I can feel the Happy Meal making it's way back up. I go to the bathroom and throw it up. 

"Gross..." I mutter, flushing the toilet and washing my hands. This is exactly why I don't eat. I sigh, heading upstairs to my room. The curtains have been left open, the window cracked. Wow, great idea, mom and dad, great way to stay safe. I leave it open. It lets a cool breeze in, and it smells like right before rain. I sigh again, and make my way over to close the curtains a little bit.

And I see him again. This changes my mind about the window. He is kinda just staring at me, a certain look on his face that I can't read. I slam the window shut and close the curtains all the way. I don't need it open anyway.

(*Kai POV*)

I get out of my mom's car and stretch. I glance around, my eyes landing on the red Honda Civic then coming to rest on Zac who is just standing there. He is looking at me. Guilt threatens to overwhelm me as I stare at him. He looks away and then hurried to his door. He drops his keys before finally getting it open and going inside. My guilt just seems to be eating away at me as I watched him. God, it confuses me so much. I was so sure I had made the right choice. He peeks out the window then quickly moves away when he sees me, still standing there.

I sigh heavily, shouldering my backpack and starting to head inside. I walk upstairs to my room and look out my window. His bedroom window is open, the curtains pulled away from it. I wonder who left it open. Most likely, it wasn't Zac, he hates when it's open. I stare at it for quite a few minutes, forgetting that I still have to take a shower to get the milk off me. Then I see him walk into his room, wiping something away from his mouth...throw up? He probably ate something. 

He looks at the window. I can tell he doesn't see me yet. Then he does see me. Out eyes meet and I, yet again, feel that guilty feeling in my gut. He slams his window shut and closes the curtains quickly. I sigh, and also pull my curtains shut. I don't think I'm gonna be opening those very often anymore.


Damn, I can feel the tension from here. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation? I'm turning into Zac lol. anyway, comments of why the hell Kai could be feeling these guilty feelings? Things he could do to make it right? Give him some answers, and maybe I'll give him the answers. *insert suggestive eyebrow raise here*

As always, comment any ideas you may have. I'll make sure to think them through!

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