Chapter 17

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Ethan's POV:

I woke up the next morning to Aurora packing her bags. I sat up and looked her direction dazed. "I'm going him. Tomorrow will be Saturday which is when we're supposed to leave, but I need to go home." She winced never taking her eyes from her stuff to look at me. "I'm sorry. Please don't do this. Look, I'll drive you home.." I said turning to clock when I noticed there was no light from the window. "..its 5:38 a.m. Aurora. Just please get a while of sleep and I'll drive you home." She shook her head no as she zipped her bag. " I called my cousin Jason." She explained slowly. "Auror-" was all I got out before she cut me off. "Look. I also called five of your cousins. Jack, Sammy, John, Jim, and Timmy. I'm sorry Ethan... I need to clear my head for a few days. Graduation is on Tuesday." With that a knock came on the door.

When she turned the nob Jason and his five cousins were standing there. "Hey. Look we maybe heading off late. My car is in the repair shop." She pointed out towards his cousin with a pity filled smile. All the sudden a girl appeared from the boys. With one glimps he knew who it was.

Melody, my sister, was standing there glaring at me. Before I got out a hello she matched over to me. "Look mr. I don't know what you did to manage screwing this up, but.. You're fucked!" She threw the words right through me. I went to open my mouth when I realized she wasn't done. "And most of all your losing the one girl you ever actually loved." She snarled at me as my glance followed Aurora as she turned her head from me with tears. She turned and closed the door. He leaped after her when his cousin John got in his way. "Too late!" He shrugged. It was just enough to set him off. He pounded his cousin and everyone was pulling at him. As do as Sammy grabbed its torso he began to black out.

"Aurora!" He managed to whisper before hitting the ground. "Go get her. Now!" Yelled Melody. "But they've already left. Jason's car just pulled out." Cried Jack. "Let's go. He needs her and weather or not she's going to admit it, she needs him to." Screamed Timmy as he him along with him.

Aurora's POV:

Jason's phone started to ring, when he looked at the screen he clenched his jaw, his lips went into a fine line, and he answered with tight teeth. "What the hell do y-" when a voice speaking frantically came across the phone. Jason just nodded and simply said "Yes.... Mhm.... Yes... Okay." And with this words he made a U-turn and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked as he sped in the opposite direction of home. He shook his head and smirked. "Don't hate me." What the hell was he talking about.

"Why the fuck are we here?" I questioned him looking towards the Myrtle beach hospital. "Just go into the waiting room." He said pushing her out the door. "Sorry cuz, but this is for your own good." He smiled as he ducked to look at her. "Oh and... I'll call when I get home to see how it went!" He winked, closed my door, locked them, an drove off.

He is just parking the car, he is just parking the car, I tell myself as I walked into the waiting room of the hospital. Right when I walked in the nurse at the desk smiled nervously. "Hey!" She said a little perky to be true. "Um, hi. My cousin dropped me off and I have no clue why." I told her hoping she knew what the hell was going on. She laughed nervously as someone grabbed me from behind and put a blindfold on me.

I was lead on to an elevator and waited when a husky voice spoke up. "I hope she understands." I wracked my memories to see if I could think of someone I knew with a voice the one he had. Another voice spoke up. "She needs to. I'm pretty sure he's hanging on just to say sorry. Then he will probably let go." I gasped at the thought of me being someone's last goodbye.

I heard a click of a door before the blindfold was removed. I looked around adjusting to the brightness of the room. When my eyes finally set on Ethan laying in the hospital bed. I slowly walked around the bed and tried to tell myself I was in my dream. I whimpered when I heard him whisper 'princess'.

I turned to his family. "What the hell happened?" I choked out. They all looked at me and let their heads hang low. Timmy looked me in the eyes as he answered. "He went after you when John jumped in the way. He made a smirking comment and Ethan pounded the shit out of him. We pulled him back and apparently used to much force. We broke his back." "H-he came after me?" She asked. Timmy just nodded. "You son of a bitch!" I screamed as I leaped towards John as he came from the bathroom taking him to the floor. "What the heck?" He screamed as I tried to pound my fist against his body.

"Princess?" I heard Ethan gasp out reaching his hand at me. I jumped up and smiled at him. "Yes?" I asked. "I'm sorry!" He said with watery eyes. "It's okay. Just rest. I'm not leaving so we can talk when you wake up. Okay?" I looked down at him. He nodded to answer me.

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