Chapter Twenty

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Aurora's POV:

"Look at her, she looks nice."

"Damn. Looking nice!"

All day today I heard comments on my outfit. I got um this morning at 5:30 to actually look decent. I curled my hair, done my makeup, wore a skirt, and I even put on high heels. I can't believe today is my last day at my high school.

I walked to my locker and looked around. I couldn't see Ethan any where which kinda scared me. We haven't talked since early Sunday morning. I took a deep breath in and closed my locker. Before I walked to class I sneaked another look around, but still no Ethan. I lowered my head and walked into class.

Third period bell rang and I rushed to my locker hoping, praying Ethan was waiting. I got to my locker and saw Jason. "Hey!" I said opening my locker door to stash my books in my bag. "Er.. Hey." He hesitated. I noted the concerned look on his face, "Is everything okay?" I asked. "Uh, yes... I mean no!" I looked at him and he must have seen my confusion because he immediately cleared me. "No one has saw Ethan. His sister was sent a text and he said that he would be at graduation tonight, but her needed to get a few things done." I nodded and walked away. "Aurora, he's okay. I'm sure he just needs to clear his head." He called after me. "Yeah." I nodded.

Ethan's POV:

I didn't go to school today because I needed to run errands, but of course my sister wouldn't agree with me. She argued with me, called me, texted me all damn day. I finally cut my phone off and just left it off.

An hour before we have to be at graduation I went home to get ready. When I opened my bed room door Aurora was sitting on my bed. "Where the hell have you been?" She raised her eye brows and looked at me. "I've called all day. You know how long I cried worried about you?" I pulled my phone out and turned it on. I pulled up 'missed calls' and sure enough she had called me all day.

"You have to leave." I said heading towards my bathroom. "Why?" She asked narrowing her gaze on me. "Because we both have to get ready and I need at hurry. So please, leave." "Fine!" She shrugged leaving my room. I am going to have hell to pay for this. I turned the water on and relaxed getting ready to make her night.

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