Dagger of Dragon's Teeth or Dragon Slayer's Beginning

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My famous blade, Dáglúg, the dragon-slayer, got its name because it took the lives of several dragons, which is also connected to my collection of dragon's tooth daggers.

Firstly I started my collection before the dragon was defeated by my blade.

And my first dragon?

Glaurung was the first of the dragons Morgoth raised. He didn't fly, but he could spew fire. I met him when I was only sixty years old.

I was part of the mounted archers under my uncle Fingon when Glaurung was smaller in stature. That's when I pulled a tooth out of his mouth while defending my friends, even though I almost ended up in flames myself. I hurt my hand, for which my uncle rightly scolded me. And of course, my mother gave me a lecture on how I should behave.

I kept the tooth, and only after I saw jewelry made from the teeth of other animals did I think of a dagger. I asked an elf smith to forge my first trophy. Coincidentally, this was the same person who created Orcrist.

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