War of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men

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Don't think that my training lasted a short time. It took me several centuries, and using spells in battle took me even longer. Father also creates my winged horse for me at this time.

I dared to use spells in combat only at the very end of the Second Age in the fight against Sauron in the War of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men.

Sauron was strong and without a close alliance, there was no chance of victory. My cousin Gil-Galad made an alliance with King Elendil.

I went to war under the command of my stepfather Oropher and my mother. The king of the forest realm refused to follow Gil-Galad. Also participating was Thranduil, who I planned to protect because I refused to lose my only sibling. Besides, my mother wouldn't be able to handle it mentally.

The Battle of Dagorlad was the largest and most devastating. 2/3 of the Elves of the Forest and Lórinand, more than half of the Elves of Lindon, and half of the people of Arnor and Gondor were killed. A volley of arrows killed both Oropher and my mother, who was trying to protect her husband.

Rage awakened a power in me that allowed me to kill many enemies. Maybe thousands, I don't know. Unlike me, Thranduil proudly held and led his people in a way that I never could.

The Alliance destroyed the Black Gate and we spent a lot of time, years, laying siege to Barad-dûr.

Dragons appeared that I dared to stand against and killed one by one. Thranduil was wounded by the fire when we were separated for a moment, but I managed to mitigate the injury with spells and then make it disappear.

Sauron was eventually defeated by Elendil and my cousin, though they died in the fight. Isildur cut off Sauron's finger with the Lord's Ring, robbing him of his power. Sauron was thus defeated and the Second Age ended.

Me, Elrond, and Círdan (one of the oldest elves) stood in Mount Doom and tried to get Isildur to throw the Ring down, but the man refused and chose to keep it.

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