chapter 15

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I took a quick shower and went to her to see her already asleep. She looked fragile. Delicate. What happened today kept ringing in my head but i decided to stop it right there.

Why was naina so hesitant towards asking for her needs. She needs to tell me about her family but i can't force her.

I looked at her sleeping face. I slowly went beside her and laid down. Even i was tired.

Naina's pov

I woke up with a very bad headache.
I saw abhi sleeping beside me. Kuch bhi kaho husband bada sundar hai mera. I laughed Mentally.
" Abhishek"i said weakly. For once i needed his help and i asked. I was done acting. With the right time i will tell him about everything. I just needed time.
" Abhishek" i said again
" mmm"
" head hurts"
" I'll get you something to eat wait" he said getting up and kissing my forehead
And i swear i turned red.

he came back with a sandwich and a glass of juice.
" eat this. Then you can have your medicine" he said and i just stared at him. Nobody had ever done so much for me.
" aree khao" he said again
I shook my head and hugged him.
" kya hua naina" he asked caressing my hair
" thank you Abhishek ji" i said sobbing
" naina look at me" he said and i did

" you're my wife. And i would do anything for you. This is our life and we have to live it together. Do you understand?" He said caressing my cheek

I nodded yes looking straight into his eyes. I have known him just a month but it feels like Years.

He started leaning in but stopped
" can i" he asked in a deep voice and i swear i almost passed out

I nodded again. And immediately crashed his lips against mine. This was my first kiss. I had never kissed anyone before. And I'm glad. Glad that it was him.

Our lips moved slow. His hand traveled to my back and he pulled me on his lap. And then suddenly a knock.

" bhaiya. Bhabhi. Dinner"
" fuck" he murmured licking his lips. So hot. I giggled nervously

" what" he asked smirking
" kuch nai chalein" i asked trying to hold in my smile.
" mhmhm" he murmured burying his face in the nape of my neck and i caressed his hair.

This felt so nice. I never want this moment to end.

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