chapter 16

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Abhi's pov-
We were all at the dinner table but all i could think about was naina. Us in that moment. Oh my god.
I looked over at her and she looked straight in my eyes and smiled innocently.
I swear if i could i would take her right there.

" abhi kya hua" maa said.
" k..kuch nhi mumma" i replied fixing my hair.
" naina can i get a glass of milk in my room" i asked hoping she'd get up
" hanji abhi layi" she smiled

Finally. She drives me crazy. She knocked and came inside

" ye lijiye" she smiled brightly
" ye rakho udhr" i said to her.
She hesitantly kept it on the table and i immediately pulled her to me

" Abhishek ji" she said shyly
" what are you doing to me " i murmured she giggled and started caressing my back.

" it's not funny naina. I wanna do so many things to you right now" i said pressing kisses down her neck and she sighed.

" Abhishek"
" mhm yes darling "
" please"
" please what"
" please uh..." and with that i pushed her on the bed and crashed my lips on hers. She tasted so good.

It has never felt so nice with anyone.

Our lips moved slow. The kiss had so much passion.
" take this off" i tugged on her saree
" han?"  She asked confused
" this. Take it off" i said
" I...I've never..." she said and my eyes widened
" oh...oh...oh I'm sorry" i said trying to get up
" Abhishek" she held my shirt.
" Don't please.  I don't wanna hurt you"
" you Won't.  Just ... give it time" she said smiling
" time." I smiled and pecked her lips.

" let's go to sleep naina. It's late and I'm tired." I said to her
" hmm" she  said sleepy and i chuckled.

She laid on her side of the bed and turned off the side lamp.
" come here" i said taking her waist and she giggled shyly. I kissed her head.
" goodnight wife"
" good night ji"

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