Part 2 {the new guard}

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Codie led Ranboo through the hallways and staircases in the castle,it was sure a lot of them.
After 10 million years they finally got the the guard headquarters,where Codie led them to this room
it wasn't anything special just some swords,a lamp,some plants,a map and a obstacle course.
"So this is it,this is where you train to be a guard,have you had any past experience!" Codie asked
Ranboo shook their head a bit embarrassed since they did have any past experience.
"Oh well don't be scared I'll train you!" Codie said enthusiastically,Ranboo knew he would be nice
3 hours later
"Ranboo PLEASE just swing the sword at me I'll be ok! This has been the 7th time!!" Codie said annoyed
"BUT WHAT IF YOU GET HURT?!" Ranboo said for the 7th time.

Finally Codie got Ranboo to swing the knife at a training dummy since they couldn't swing at him for some reason.
But Ranboo got perfect scores on everything! Good for them "well Ranboo you did really well! Good job"
As Codie said that he handed Ranboo a paper of some sort,it was a diploma! Meaning only one thing Ranboo got in!
"Congrats Ranboo you got in! It's pretty early so I guess I can introduce you to the people in the castle!" Codie said

Ranboo nodded and followed behind Codie,they had to do the staircases and the hallways all over again,
but it was worth it! They both went back to Skye and told her the good news "yo Skye guess what Ranboo
over here passed the course with perfect scores!" Codie said happily "oh ok congrats? I guess" Skye said
not really caring,tho ranboo did care about getting this job since they could get more money for their sister.
Codie looked annoyed for some reason,maybe it was Skyes reaction to Ranboo passing I don't know.
But whatever Ranboo just shrugged it off " know what it's fine hey Ranboo follow me! I'll introduce
you to the people here,and your new boss" Codie said walking

356 words

The king and his guard-A Beeduo royal au fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now