Part 27 {what a liar..}

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Ranboo had been gone for days! The town people have gone worried..while Tubbo on the other hand
has gone mad, full of rage and worry too he had decided to host a full on investigation just to find ranboo.
"My king! It's been five days and we still haven't found them! What are we to do?" One of the assistants asked
"Well. Keep. F/cking. SEARCHING"! Tubbo said in fury, he couldn't say he wasn't worried for ranboo. But
would he show it? No, he would rather be angry and bossy to his assistants. "What am I to do..if I can't find ranboo
I might never be myself again.." Tubbo said as he sighed sadly

Meanwhile with Ariella..

*huff huff* Ariella was running, running away from something or someone maybe? What she was running away
from was guilt, pressure, and most importantly..running away from Tubbo, if he found out that she was the
reasoning behind ranboos disappearance she would be screwed. At this point she didn't care on how suspicious
she looked running down the corridors of the palace like a maniac. All she cared about was getting out of there
and into a safe and secure place, like her home.

Back with Tubbo and his assistants

Tubbo was at the investigation room, standing in front of the big screen with all the clues from the investigators
and the civilians. !"There's nothing useful here"! Tubbo exclaimed, "my king..have you tried checking the cameras?
On the day of their disappearance..maybe that has a cl-" before the guy could finish, Tubbo sprinted to the security
campers and quickly scrolled and scrolled to the day of ranboos disappearance ten days ago. When he finally finished
scrolling he checked all the cameras, "the kitchen cameras? No. The ballroom? No not there either..the first corridor?
n-" before Tubbo could finish he saw them, Ariella and Ranboo. There they were! Tubbo stared intently at the footage
and saw that Ariella was leading Ranboo into the painting, "what in the does she know of that place.?!"
Tubbo was shocked? No, more like mad,
he quickly turned to the investigators, "yall, we have a clue. Go get Ariella, NOW!!" Tubbo exclaimed, everyone nodded
as they rushed out of the room. Leaving Tubbo there alone, to wonder. "Why in the world would Ariella not tell me about
this..and why was this the last footage we have of ranboo.." Tubbo was wondering like crazy, he needed to find out the
meaning behind Ariella's lies, and fast. Before she got away

Meanwhile with Ranboo(b)

"I can't believe I trusted her, I knew I shouldn't have..besides, we barely even talked before! Only like once or twice..
I'm so stupid and oblivious.." Ranboo said as they held back tears, they were scared..for a good reason, they were
in the middle of a huge abandoned library that has a holy load of history in it, and for the worst part they probably
trespassed in that place. Anyways that aside, they wondered if anyone was looking for them..if Tubbo even cared..
and most importantly, if Ariella had gotten caught yet. That was the thing they hoped for the most, they wanted her
to get caught and so she could confess where they were and so they could get out.
But for now, they could only hope for that outcome..only hope..

Back with Ariella

Ariella was now out of the palace gates and running to her house, she knew that they found the security camera and that
there were people after her. That just made her run faster than ever before, she also found out that Tubbo had announced
for people to find her and get her back to the palace. "W..why did I do this, I should've never went through this plan!"
Ariella said out of breath, she needed a break, and badly. She ran behind a building and sat there for a bit, in hope
that no one would find her. But little did she know, someone was watching.

Back with tubbo+assistants

He chuckled as he saw the security cameras.."oh little little Ari, she obviously forgot I have cameras stupid."
Tubbo said to himself, at this point he looked like he had gone mad, he hadn't slept in days..he was yelling every single
day, and all of this just for ranboo? Damn, he probably did go mad or something..whatever, Tubbo told the people her
exact location so they could go get her and bring her back, he just sat down and watched the "show" from the cameras.
He watched as the people dragged her away as she struggled, he laughed to himself. If anyone saw him they'd say
he was a maniac..hell, he wouldn't say no if someone did tell him that anyways.


There she was, tied up in a chair with a g/n pointed at her head as everyone looked at her. "Well well well..if it isn't
the one who caused the disappearance of MY beloved." Tubbo said as his grip on the g/n tightened. "I..I swear
this is all a misunderstanding! I didn't mean it..I swear!" Ariella said in fear, Tubbo just chuckled and looked at her
straight in the eyes as his face went serious, "tell me. Where. Ranboo is." Tubbo said calmly, "ok ok! I'll tell you..
Ranboo is in the history library..there..I said it" Ariella said as she looked away, Tubbo's eyes widened in shock
"why in the hell...are they in the library?" Tubbo looked like he was about to just show all his emotions and yell out.
"I took them there! It was part of this foolish plan I had to pretend ranboo left or something! I'm sorry..I really am" Ariella
said, the only reaction Tubbo had was staying silent and staring in disbelief at her.

Conclusion: they kept doing the interrogation, Ariella getting hurt in the process but that doesn't matter. They forced her to
say they reason behind this plan and what it was supposed to achieve.

HELLO PEOPLE! THANK YOU FOR READING!! Yes yes an extra long part for an apology on my absence-
Hope you guys enjoyed it!

1058 words

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