Part 26 {What is that?!}

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Continuing part 25

When she opened the huge doors what revealed behind them was surprising to say the least..
The place that it revealed was a large abandoned looking library, a huge place with lots of marble, pillars,
dusty books, and many other things. "Wow..what is this place? Where did you take me Ariella?" Ranboo asked
They weren't mad or scared, more like fascinated and curious at the same time. "This here..was the place where
all the history of this kingdom is stored." She said slightly calmly "wow..that's impressive to say the least, how
do you know of this place so deep in the castle?" Ranboo asked as they held a book, "my father used to take me here
when I was very little, back when we were allowed to come here.." she said with a tint of sadness in her voice, Ranboo
just nodded and kept looking.

A few hours have passed, Ariella had already shown some things to Ranboo about the history of the kingdom. Leaving
Ranboo, of course, amazed at all the things they hadn't learned about this place and how she knew everything.
"Hey, how come you remember everything? Didn't you say this was when you were younger?" Ranboo asked
she let out a sigh, not a bad one just a sad one. "Yes I did say it was younger, but I have my ways of remembering
Ranboo.." She said silently, she then started sprinting towards the middle of the huge library and Ranboo
hesitantly followed her.
When they reached the middle of the library a stand with a book on it could be seen, Ranboo was confused but
on the other hand, Ariella seemed like she knew exactly what this was. "What's this book Ari?" Ranboo asked
"it's the lore of this kingdom, all summarized into one single book.." Ariella said, her voice was shaky..sorta
like she regretted showing ranboo this place? "All the lore? Wow..can I read some of it?" Ranboo said curiously
Ariella then turned to them and looked them straight in the eyes, "Ran, once you open this book and lay your
eyes upon'll never forget, are you sure you want to read this?" Ariella said, her voice was shaky but serious
Ranboo was now scared, what was in this book? How bad can the lore actually be.."yes, I'm sure I want to read this"
Ranboo said before opening the book, once ranboo opened the book they saw..nothing?

They looked up just to see a completely white room, no books, no light, no shelves, and no Ariella. Just a plain white
room, just like the void but if it was white.."what the..w-where am I?" Ranboo said, they dropped the book and
looked around with a scared expression on their face, they tried to find at least something..not just white
they sprinted and searched in every corner, but to no cause, it was an endless white void. What did Ariella do?
Did she sabotage them? Of course they shouldn't have trusted her, they haven't even talked much since they came to the castle..
Ranboo then decided to just give up and sit in the middle of that random void, what else would they do? "What did I agree
to..I shouldn't have opened the book I'm so stupid.." Ranboo started to shake, they wanted to cry but they couldn't
since they were an enderman and if they cried, they would get burnt and at this place they couldn't. Not in the random
white void of course, how would they get out of there anyways?

"What in the hell is happening here??"-tommy


639 words

The king and his guard-A Beeduo royal au fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now