Part 30 {what a discovery!}

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They uh did the silly already!
And no I won't write it since I don't want to.
They're now at Quackitys "apartment thingy"
TW: suggestive topics...........

They were both in bed, not even a centimeter between them. Quackity was
whispering dirty and loving words to Wilbur, Wilbur just smiling and blushing like a mad man. "God how I love you Wilbur.." Quackity said in a low and flirty tone.
"Mm..big Q, you do live up to that name dont you.." Wilbur joked around (iykyk)
Quackity just laughed at that and rolled his eyes, "my my, thank you my darling"
Quackity said. They were both tired from the SILLY night they had, so they decided not to speak anymore and fall asleep.

Meanwhile at snowchester kingdom

Tubbo was sitting at his desk, apparently writing something! It seemed like a letter, the letter started by saying "Dear Quackity". He was writing to Quackity? Interesting, anyways. He was sat at his desk for an hour or so just writing away, we wonder what the letter is abou-"SKYE!" Tubbo exclaimed through a staff communicator, someone on the other line picked up "yes 'sir tubbo'?" Skye replied.
She was walking through the 6th corridor as she answered, "get to my office..quick!" Tubbo said, before skye could answer he hung up the communicator. "Ugh..what a bi.—....respectable man! Ok let's go.." skye said as she sped walked down the corridor to Tubbo's office, "I wonder what he needs me for.." she said silently.

As she was walking she saw Codie, and Codie saw her. "Oh, hey Codie.." She said as she stopped in her tracks, "oh, hey skye! Long time no talk!" Codie said as he walked up to her, "what ya doing?" Codie asked as he put away his sword. "Oh you know..just, answering one of 'sir Tubbo's calls'(🥺🤓)" Skye said while doing air quotes. "Oh..yea! Hey, can I go with you? I have nothing else to do with life.." Codie said with an awkward chuckle, without any other words, Skye just dragged him with her to Tubbo's office. Codie didn't complain though, he just walked with her to his office.

A few minutes later they both arrived, "Ohhh sir Tubbo! We're here!" Skye said in an obvious sarcastic voice, but still respectful. "Great, come In-wait.,*'we're'*?" Tubbo asked in confusion as the door opened. There to reveal skye with Codie. "Oh ok..makes sense. Anyways, I guess you'll be joining on this as well Codie" Tubbo said with a sigh as he sealed up the letter, signaling for them to come closer "hm? Where are we going?" Skye asked as she walked closer to his desk and taking the letter from him, Codie following behind quickly as well. Taking a peak over her shoulder at the letter, noticing it said 'to:Quackity' on the front. "You guys are going to las deliver a letter to my father." Tubbo said in a monotone voice, getting just a nod and salute from both of them "yes sir!" They said in union as they both ran out of his office to deliver the letter. "I wonder what the letter has in it.." Codie said as he looked down at the letter, getting just a shrug from skye. "Who knows..whatever it is, I'm ready to deliver it!" Skye said as she ran down the corridor "w-wait!" Codie said as he followed in pursuit.


An hour or so later, they reached last Nevadas. They approached the huge circle tower where Quackity's apartment was. They just walked in and went up the elevator, the staff recognized them since they work for Tubbo. Quackity's child, anyways. When they went up the elevator and they went into the apartment.."hello?! We're here to deliver a letter.." Codie yelled out, but not too loud..
Meanwhile Quackity and Wilbur were upstairs doing their own thing, they couldn't hear Codie..surprisingly.
Skye took notice of this almost immediately "let's go up to the room!" Skye said as she ran up the stairs, Codie followed again behind her. Worried that they will get into trouble, they approached the bedroom door and knocked on it. Finally then is when they realized..why Wilbur and Quackity didn't hear them..the noises in the room fell silent as the knock occurred. Skyes mouth was agape as Codie was just wide eyed..silence grew in the apartment.."no......way..." skye said under her breath in shock, holding back laughter. Codie just stayed frozen..
Foot steps and rustling then came out of nowhere in the room...the footsteps were approaching the door..



785 words

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