Part 33 {The Ring}

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It had been around 6 months since Tubbo and Ranboo got together, raising Micheal and the nation they swore to love.
Everything had calmed down for now, no invasions, barely any crimes, and most importantly, no drama. Expect, that was
soon to change.

*{Tubbo's Part}*

Tubbo was pacing back and forth in his shared resting room, "hey, Tubz!! it'll be fine!! Trust." Tommy stated, they were talking
about Tubbo's soon action of proposing to Ranboo, "You don't know that! What if they say no? It's only been 6 months after all.." Tubbo said anxiously, he feared that Ranboo would say no. "Just stay calm, dude, think on the positive for a second. What ring do you think they would like?" Tommy asked, this was the most serious he had ever been, which really shocked Tubbo, but the shock got over washed by the nervousness. "Well.." Tubbo started.


"Hey beloved?" Tubbo asked, they were previously sitting at one of the seats in the castle garden. Ranboo just hummed and nodded in response, letting Tubbo know to continue. "What's your favorite stone? Like..crystal?" Tubbo asked with a smile,
one of Ranboo's eyebrows raised as they thought of an answer to that question. "Well..I really love amethysts.!" Ranboo said,
Tubbo just nodded in response and they went back to admiring the scenery in front of them.

"They said they loved amethysts.." Tubbo said with a sigh, he went to sit down next to Tommy on the bed. "Well, start there!
Look for some rings that they might like.." Tommy explained, Tubbo let out another sigh in response, but nodded. That was the
best solution, right? So, they did the thing a normal person would do...leave the castle and go to a diamond store that was just
in town, well, nation.

The two men walked down the streets of the kingdom in search of that specific diamond store they heard of, after a moment, they found it and went in. *ding* the little bell above the door alerted the owners of the shop of someone's presence, they definitely weren't expecting the king and 'the prince' to walk in. "Hello, we heard that you guys sell pleasant gems, right?" Tubbo asked formally, the pure shock and surprise on the worker's faces was evident, but one quickly brushed it off and spoke. "Ah, y-yes, that's quite right my king! Are you looking for any in specific?" The man at the desk spoke, Tubbo and Tommy walked closer and looked down at all the precious gems on display in awe. "You have a wide selection..but, do you have any amethysts?" Tubbo asked as he looked up at the man, "Of course we do, sir! She'll bring them immediately.." He stated, the woman who was next to the man quickly scurried off in hopes to find amethyst gems quick.

After a minute or so, the lady came back with a display tray of various amethyst stones and placed them down in front of the royals. Tubbo and Tommy didn't speak as they looked down at the lovely stones that were in their sight, one of the amethyst caught Tommy's attention more than the other.."That one." Tommy said to Tubbo, he looked over at the one Tommy was talking about and quickly nodded, agreeing without doubt that it was the right choice. "We'll take that one, how much is it?" Tubbo asked, the workers quickly rang up the order and Tubbo paid for it.

The two men finally arrived in the castle with the small bag in hands of Tubbo, "wow. Can't believe you just spent 6k on a gem for your beloved." Tommy said with an amused grin, "I love them..that's why.." Tubbo said with a small grin full of love, one that didn't go unnoticed by Tommy.
"Let's get this made into a ring, shall we?"


I LIEDDD, more updates for an apology for my absence..
After these three parts (yesterday and today) I'll probably
go missing again, who knows..I'm just here to feed y'all every
few weeks or so man.

690 words

The king and his guard-A Beeduo royal au fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now