Part 36 { A Beautiful Day }

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Story: MAIN
Tw/cw: none?

It was finally the day for the beeduo lovers to get happily married at the kingdom. The halls of the castle, the streets of the palace and everyone's hearts filled with joy and cheer.
The two lovers rode in the carriage, down the dirt streets, to the venue where they will finally tie the knot and be happily wed. They held hands while dressed in the best attire for this day, yes they are seeing each other before the wedding in their attire because this isn't a normal wedding.
"Are you ready?" Ranboo asked with a gleeful smile, Tubbo just nodded, unable to hold his excitement for too long.
With excitement also came nervousness, what if the amount of family he had overwhelmed them? What if they didn't like the ring? What if-
"Hey tubz, you nervous?" Asked Ranboo, interrupting his negative mindset with those words. "No, no worries I'm fine!" Tubbo said, ending it at that.

Ranboo walked in first, admiring all the hard work the crew and them put in for all of this. Ranboo looked around and saw all the people, they were a bit surprised to see the similarities in most of the members. "Oh, that must be Tubbo's family." They thought silently, admiring the genetics passed down from generation to generation. They then realized someone was looking directly at them and started approaching them, Ranboo just froze and let it happen.
"Hey! You're Tubbo's spouse, right?" The woman said, without waiting for a response from Ranboo, she continued. "I'm Lani! Tubbo's sister, so glad to meet you" she said, bringing up her hand for a handshake, which they accepted gracefully.
"Nice to meet you, I'm so glad that this worked out between us two" Ranboo said with a sigh referring to Tubbo. Which earned a nod from Lani, "I'm glad he chose you and not those other ho-" "Language young lady." A voice from behind spoke, she seemed way elder than Lani. Ranboo looked up at her with a sly smile, "Hello dear, I'm Steph, Tubbo's mother." The lady said kindly, getting a nod from Ranboo and a chuckle.
Before any more conversation could continue, the announcer spoke. "Lady's and gen's! Get up here, the weddings starting!" Tommy said into the mic, earning a groan from more than one or two people in the audience.

Ranboo and Tubbo stood face to face, holding each others hands while the crowd cheered and clapped. The vows and everything had already finished, "you may now kiss the groom." The pastor said, "Nuh uh." Tubbo and Ranboo said in sync, instead of kissing they just took each other into embrace. A small laugh came from some people in the audience from their rejectal to kiss each other on the lips.

As they walked down the long isle, Ranboo saw small parts of his family, his friends, but mostly Tubbo's family. Well, Tommy was not lying, there was actually 50.. maybe even more.

"Oh boy, this is going to be a long journey."
Said Ranboo

May death do us apart

The wedding is finally here after like 2 weeks of no updates, a pretty soon update ngl
compared to how much I used to update
(Only 2 stories a month or longer lol)
never again...

566 words

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