e l e v e n

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After what seems like forever we finally pull into the drive way of the beach house its so cute and looks to be on its own private beach. Theres already a car waiting in the driveway and a blonde girl hops out and waves at us excitedly. 

"Fucking Ciara what the fuck is she doing here Asher?" Brooke exclaims. "She wanted to come Jules said it was fine what do you care." Brooke just rolls her eyes. 

"You are an asshole you know that right." Asher just shrugs his shoulders and smiles at her which seems to just piss her off even more. 

When we all get out Ciara runs to Asher and wraps her arms around him. "Hey guys." She turns to look at us and smiles. Brooke just walks straight past her and follows Jules inside. 

I smile at her and say hi and move past her to follow the girls. "Who the fuck is that bimbo?" I hear her ask Asher. I hurry up and get inside I don't want to hear Ashers response.

--- Ashers Pov ---

"Shut the fuck up Ciara don't talk about her that way thats Jake's little sister." I brush past her and go to help Jake with the bags. She's so annoying I don't even know why I invited her but she begged to come when I mentioned it. 

I should've just told her no but she had promised to be nice to the other girls. "You okay?" Jake asks me. "Yeah why?" "You just had zoned out dude I have been holding this bag out for you to take for ages now." I punch him in his arm and roll my eyes. I grab the bag and he laughs following me inside. 

Jules was giving out room assignments. "Okay so we don't have a lot of rooms because it's usually just me and my sister and my parents so theres only 4 bedrooms and the couch. So let's do Nicky and Noah, Ethan and Jake, Me, Brooke, and Madison, and then I guess Asher and Ciara." Everyone grabs their bags and goes to their assigned rooms. 

I roll my eyes as Ciara squeals excitedly that we're rooming together. "After everyone gets settled we're going to the beach so y'all better hurry the fuck up." Ethan shouts over his shoulder as he runs down the hall. I set mine and Ciara's bags down and dig through my bag to find my swim trunks and then go to the bathroom to change.

--- Madisons Pov ---

I grab my green bikini and my body makeup from my bag and go into the bathroom to change. I put the bikini on and put a little more makeup on spots that it rubbed off and then put on my white button up over it. I walk down to the living room with Brooke and Jules and everyones in the living room ready to go. 

Ciara looks me up and down snickers and makes a face of disgust. I look down at my body hoping that I didn't miss a bruise I didn't see anything I look up and she was whispering into Ashers ear. I try and shake it off and not take it too personally but it doesn't work now I'm insecure thanks Ciara.

 I try and shake it off and not take it too personally but it doesn't work now I'm insecure thanks Ciara

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After we're all ready we all walk down to the beach its beautiful. The girls and I set out a blanket and lay down and the boys bring out a football and start playing. 

I have a book in front of me but instead I'm watching the boys play and am entirely engrossed in it. Asher took off his shirt and I'm trying not to stare too long but god he's hot. I watch as he tackles Ethan to the ground easily his muscles flexing as he does. 

I feel someone tap my shoulder I turn and see Ciara sitting next to me smiling but its not a genuine smile its the kind of fake condescending smile. "He's hot isn't he." She says. "I didn't notice." I look back down at my book trying to ignore her. 

"You know we're dating right?" I ignore her. "Besides you know that he would never go for someone like you." She looks down at my body in disgust. "You know I am just trying to be a good friend and I am completely honest with my friends you might want to start going to gym it might help tone you out a little bit." She laughs. 

"Thanks for your advice but I'm not interested in Asher." I smile at her trying to not let her hurtful words get to me. I look back at my book. 

"You know what Ciara why don't you fuck off and leave Madison alone nobody asked for your advice and Madison is absolutely stunning so for the love of god leave her the fuck alone because I will not hesitate to punch a bitch." Brooke says from her spot next to me glaring at her. 

Ciara looks at her and smiles her condescending smile. "You know Brooke you might wanna take some of my advice." Brooke smiles in a way that makes me scared of her. 

"Ciara babe if I took your advice I would look like you and in that case all I would be is somebody's miserable lonely depressed fuck buddy instead of having a boyfriend that treats me with respect and love so respectfully you can stop reflecting your own insecurities on me and Madison." 

She stands up and motions for me to stand with her and we walk to the bathroom. I can feel the tears streaming down my face as I follow her. She opens the door for me and sees my face. "Oh babe please don't take anything she says to heart she's just reflecting she's so insecure with herself that she has to make others feel bad in order to make herself feel better just ignore her." 

She hugs me. "Thanks Brooke that means a lot to me and thank you for defending me." "Anytime Mads no go wipe your face I'm gonna piss and then we're going to go back out there looking hot as ever." 

I smile at her and wipe the tears off my face some of the makeup comes off my black eye but I don't mind that as much Jake had already seen that and had bought the excuse some of the others might question it though. 

Brooke comes out of the bathroom and washes her hands and goes to open the door but she looks at my face closer. "What happened to your eye?" "Oh I am super clumsy and I wasn't watching where I was going and walked right smack into a wall." I laughed she laughed with me but still looked at me weirdly as if she didn't buy it but thankfully didn't ask anymore questions. We go back and join the others.

After hanging out at the beach for a little bit we all go back to the house and get ready to eat dinner.

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