t w e n t y - t w o

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--- Madisons Pov ---

I woke up to see Asher lying next to me watching me sleep. "You're still here?"

"I didn't want to leave you alone in case you had another nightmare." He responds as he reaches beside him to grab his phone.

"Oh."I quickly move to get up. Don't get attached Madison. "You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to."

I think about that statement for a minute just sitting at the edge of the bed. We both sit in silence before I finally break it a couple of minutes later. "Why?"

"Hmm?" He asks absently scrolling through his phone. I swallow back my hesitation. "Why did you want to?"

"I guess I care." He laughs uncomfortably still scrolling through his phone. I shift to turn around and face him.

"Why do you care? What do you get from caring?" "Nothing." He finally puts his phone down staring at me his forehead wrinkled in confusion. "Mads what is this about?"

I take a deep breath letting out a laugh. "Nothing." I force myself to stand up and move one foot in front of the other back to my room.

One thing I learned from a very young age is that everyone always has a secret agenda. Nobody is in it just because. They all want something. You are only worth what you can give that is where your sole value comes from and If anyone tells you differently they're lying to you.

"Madison wait whats wrong why are you acting like this?" Asher asks reaching out to grab my arm to stop me.

I look down at his grasp on my arm panic filling my eyes. I freeze in fear. He sees the look on my face and immediately drops his grip and I run out.

I keep running until I get to my room. I close the door and lock it behind me.

I sit on my bed hugging my knees to my chest rocking back and forth.

My breathing is coming heavier. Stop it Madison you are fine pull yourself together. You can do this.

I try and slow my breathing.

I don't understand why I'm like this I feel horrible that I keep pushing Asher away but I can't talk to him.

I can't open myself up to more pain.


I get up and stumble around my room bumping into things along the way. My vision going blurry.

Cades voice rings in my head. You are worthless. Nobody is going to put up with your shit the way I do. Your own parents hated you.

I fall to my knees and search under my bed. There it is. Jakes pocket knife. I had seen it a couple days ago and took it. I couldn't bring myself to use it but that was then.

I grab a piece of paper from my notebook and a pen.

I walk to my bedroom door and peak out waiting to make sure it is clear before stumbling towards the bathroom door and step in locking the door behind me.

I stop for a minute and stare at my reflection. I am ugly and broken. Cade was right. Who would love me?

Asher doesn't really care. Jake doesn't really care I'm just a burden on all of them.

They won't care if I'm gone they would be relieved.

I take a deep breath before turning around and turning the water on.

I watch as the tub fills up. Tears filling my eyes and I grab the piece of paper and my pen and force myself to write.

All I manage to get on the paper is two words. I'm sorry.

I leave the paper on the counter.

I take another deep breath and force myself to get in the tub. I'm finally going to have peace. No more nightmares. No more pain. No more fear. No more counting calories and throwing up. No more Cade. I'll be done. I'll be free.

One more deep breath and I take the knife to my wrist shutting my eyes. Silent tears escaping as I cut across my skin pushing deeper and deeper.

One last deep breath as I move to the other wrist.

I drop the knife and rest my head against the tub. I can feel the blood dripping down my arms but I don't let myself look I keep my eyes closed waiting for it all to fade away.

--- Ashers Pov ---

It's been a few hours since my interaction with Madison. I was debating whether or not I should try and talk to her but I forced myself to leave her alone.

I shift to lay on my bed and shut my eyes. I hear Jake in the hallway. "What the fuck theres water all over the floor in here."

I ignore him and shut my eyes again. Jake starts banging on the bathroom door. "Who the fuck is in there? turn the water off."

When he continues banging on the door I finally pull myself out of bed and walk out into the hall to see whats going on.

As soon as I step into the hallway my socks become soaked. What the fuck theres water everywhere.

I storm over to where Jake is still banging on the bathroom door. "What the fuck is going on?"

Jake sighs. "I don't know I just got home from work and the hallway is completely flooded and the bathroom doors locked but nobodys answering.

"Its only me and Madison home and shes been in her room."

Jake walks over to Madisons room and knocks on the door. No answer. He opens the door revealing an empty room.

"Fucking hell." I run back to the bathroom and feel above the door for the spare key and pray Madison just fell asleep and shes okay.

I find the key and hurry and unlock the door and throw it open.

I freeze at the sight that greets me. Madison is completely submerged in the tub blood and water flowing from the tub covering the floor.

Jake comes up behind me. "Oh my god Madison."

I jump into action and pull her out of the water feeling for a pulse. "Jake call 911."

Jake just nods his head and stumbles out fumbling for his phone. I hear him talking to an operator.

I reach for a towel and wrap it around madisons wrists cradling her in my arms. Her pulse is weak but its there.

"Madison stay with me baby I got you. You're gonna be okay." I rock her in my arms gripping the towel trying to stop the blood.

Jake comes back in. "They uhh they said they're sending an ambulance."

"When will it be here?" I ask.

Jake just stares at Madisons unconcios face not answering. "JAKE!" I shout pulling his attention back to me. "When will it be here?"

"They umm they said five minutes."

"Okay go wait outside in the driveway for them so you can tell them where we are."

Jake nods his head and takes one more look at Madison before hesitantly leaving.

I take a deep breath. Madisons going to be fine. Everything's going to be fine. Stay strong for Jake.

I hear footseteps running up the stairs and Jakes voice. "They're in here."

Two paramedics come in. One of them takes Madison from me and puts her on a gurney feeling for her pulse. Another pulls out gauze and tape and starts wrapping up her wrists to keep her from losing anymore blood.

They take her out to the ambulance and me and Jake follow. "Jake ride with her in the ambulance I'll follow ya'll."

Jake just nods his head and I run back inside grabbing my keys and my phone.

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