I woke up to my head pounding. I feel a rush of nausea and run to the bathroom. Fuck I drank way too much last night.
We're leaving today so I have to pack up all of my things. I wish we could stay at the beach forever. Life seems so much simpler here but we have to get back to reality.
I made a decision that I was gonna go back to California and make things right with Cade and grab some more of my things. I felt like I owed him that and that maybe if I went back I would be able to get the closure I needed.
We packed up the car pretty quickly and split into our assigned cars except for the fact I traded places with Nicky so I wouldn't have to be around Asher.
I faked sleeping most of the way so that no one would talk to me or ask questions about why I switched. My head was pounding the whole way but closing my eyes helped. I could feel Noah's concerned glances through the rear view mirror Nicky must have told him about my nightmare. I ignore him. He's such a dad.
We only made one stop on the way home at a gas station for Ethan to pee and Noah ran in and grabbed us all water bottles except for Ethan he was cut off of liquids to avoid another bathroom stop.
When we finally made it home I went straight to my room to find a ticket to fly to California in the morning. I wanted to get it all over with before I chickened out. I booked my flight to leave at 9 am tomorrow and come back in 2 days. I packed a couple of things in my duffel bag and then prepared myself to give the news to Jake.
I walk over to his room and knock on the door. He shouts to come in and I take a deep breath before opening the door. Brooke is sitting on his bed laughing at him as he unpacks.
"Um Brooke would you mind giving us a second? I'm so sorry to interrupt." "Of course don't worry about it." She quickly leaves and shuts the door behind her.
"Mads whats up you've been acting off the past couple of days are you okay?" "
Yes, yes, of course I'm okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you I've just been tired I guess the move is catching up with me." I fake a laugh."Okay so what did you want to talk to me about?" "I umm I'm leaving tomorrow go back to California for a couple of days. I have some things I have to take care of."
"What things? Does it have anything to do with the things that happened that made you have to leave so abruptly?" He leans against his dresser and just stares at me waiting for my answer. I hate hiding things from him but I can't tell him.
"Um kind of I guess." I look down at my feet not wanting to meet his eyes. "Do you need someone to go with you?" I wish he would go with me but he can't see what my life was like before I came here.
"No I'll be fine I just have to grab a few things pay a few bills you know the usual boring moving shit." I laugh. "Okay if you say so." He shrugs his shoulders and I move to leave but he stops me.
"Mads you know you can be honest with me right? You know you don't have to hide anything from me." "Of course I do I'm not hiding anything."
"You promise?" I hesitate. "Of course."
"Mads I love you and I care about your wellbeing and I need you to know that you can talk to me about anything."
"I know Jakey and the same goes for you. Now enough of this cheesy gross stuff before I throw up in my mouth." We laugh and he pulls me in for a hug before letting me leave.
Jake must've told the rest of the house that I'm leaving in the morning because Noah goes all out for dinner making his famous chicken alfredo.
--- Possible ED TW ---
I force myself to finish a whole plate of it not wanting to offend Noah by not eating it. I'll just throw it up later it'll be fine I reassure myself. I have already gained a little bit of weight since being here and the last thing I want is for Cade to make a comment about it.
After dinner Noah brings out the brownies but I turn it down saying I'm full. I run up the stairs to bathroom.
I force my two fingers down my throat and watch as my dinner hits the toilet. My eyes start to tear up but I swallow it back refusing to allow myself to cry over it.
I take a few deep breaths and put a smile on my face before opening the bathroom door. I've gotten really good at faking smiles and feigning happiness.
As I walk out I bump into Asher. He reaches out and steadies me. "Madison why the fuck are you going to California in the morning?"
"Its really none of your business Asher. You clearly do not care about me so please just leave me the fuck alone." I try and brush past him but he stops me.
"You are not going to California I don't have a good feeling about this." "Asher you don't get to tell me what to do. I'm a grown adult I can take care of myself."
"If you can take care of yourself then stop being so reckless with your life. I can't just stand here and watch you go back to whoever gave you all those fucking bruises." "Nobody asked you too just leave me alone Asher."
I brush past him and he shouts after me. "You are being stupid Madison and you know it." I ignore him and keep walking to join everyone else in the living room. He doesn't know me. He has no right to try and tell me what to do.
Asher doesn't join us for the rest of the night but nobody questioned it. He's just being typical Asher going off on his own.
I decide to go to bed early because of my early flight in the morning. I give everyone a hug goodnight and head to bed. I double check that I have everything I need for my flight in the morning before taking a quick shower and letting sleep take over.

When He Saved Me
Storie d'amore* IN THE PROCESS OF BEING EDITED/UPDATED * Madison has dealt with abuse and heart ache her whole life thinking that it was what she deserved. First her parents then her boyfriend. When her older brother left for college on bad terms with their paren...