t w e n t y - f o u r

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--- Madisons Pov ---

I rolled back over to face the wall when Dr. Avery left. I didn't want to face the others when they came back in. Tears were streaming down my face silent sobs shaking my body.

This wasn't supposed to happen. I am not supposed to be here still.

I hear the door open and close. Only one person's footsteps echo as they move closer to me.

I hear Jakes's heavy sigh as he takes a seat in the chair Dr. Avery had just been sitting in.

"Mads look at me." I hesitantly turn over to face him. "Why did you do it?" 

"Please don't make me answer that." I whimper tears coming down faster.

"Madison please talk to me what is going on? It's me your big brother. You used to be able to tell me everything." 

"Not everything." I sob. He looks up and stares at me confused. "The way mom and dad treated me wasn't what you think." I slowly try and get up to a sitting position. Jake jumps out of his seat and helps to prop me up. Once I'm settled he stares at me expectantly. 

"Dad umm he... he used to. " I look down at my lap not knowing how to continue. "He what?" Jake prompted.

"He would hit me Jake." I blurt out. Jake looks at me shocked. "Dad would never do that to you he loved you he was always giving you gifts and getting you whatever you wanted."

"It was a show Jake." I say trying to wipe the tears away but it was no use. "What happened in California?" Jake prompts me to continue.

"My ex boyfriend Cade. He had a temper I guess you could say. He did the same thing dad did. I guess daughters do try and find a man just like their dad." A sad laugh escapes me. I look up to see Jakes reaction. He's not laughing anger is all over his face his fists clenched. "Madison did he rape you?" 

I look down at my lap again my face turning red. I don't answer his question. "Madison?"  I nod my head. 

"Did dad?" I nod my head again. "Madison look at me." I look up to meet his eyes. Unshed tears and anger is clear in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want to let you down." I look back down. 

"Madison you could never let me down none of this was your fault. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I should've been there." Tears are streaming down his face now too. I've never seen my brother cry thats how I know this is bad. Seeing him cry only makes me start crying harder.

 "What is his name?" He asks his fists clenched. 

My first instinct is to protect him but I am tired of protecting him. "Cade Hunter." 

He nods his head. "Was the baby his?" Another nod from me. "Madison I swear to god He is going to pay for what he did. Dad may not have but Cade will."

"Jake it's too late Dr. Neal told me it was too late to get a rape kit the evidence is gone we have nothing on him except text messages. The most we can do is get a restraining order on him." 

"Send me the screenshots of the texts." he says standing up. He moves to open the door allowing the rest of the group to pile in.

************* (Time Jump) **************

The rest of the group had gone back to the house. Jake was gonna come and stay the night but Asher volunteered and with a lot of convincing Jake finally agreed to go home and sleep because he had work in the morning.

I was watching whatever shit was on the old as fuck tv and Asher was sitting in his chair scrolling through his phone but I kept feeling his eyes on me. 

I let out a breath. "Asher just ask me what you want to ask me."

He looks at me and just stares for a second before hesitantly asking. "Why did you do it?" 

I look down at my lap not wanting to face his searching stare. 

"Thats the question of the hour." I laugh trying to distract him.

"Madison." He says staring me down.

"I know I know." I glance up into his eyes for a second before looking back down at my lap.

"Do you ever feel like life shouldn't be this tiring when you're this young?" I laugh. 

He doesn't answer. 

"My whole life has been about surviving. Just staying alive and getting through the next day. But what was it all for? What if I just stopped trying to survive and allowed myself to let it all go."

He still doesn't say anything but I can hear him shifting in his seat.

"I don't have anything else to live for so why would I continue to live. All I ever do is let everyone down. Nobody cares about me they pretend they do but I know the truth. Everyone wants something from you. Theres no such thing as unconditional love and I am tired of searching after something that does not exist." I slump into my bed.

"Thats not true Madison."

I laugh at him. He has no idea.

"What happened in California Madison who did this to you who the fuck made you feel this way? He asks staring at me.

"His name is Cade."

"How long had this been going on?"

"Two years with him my entire life with my dad." 

"Your dad?" 

I just nod my head. 

"What did they do to you Madison?"

"They both had alcohol issues." I breathe in deeply before continuing. "Somehow when they were drunk I always found some way to piss them off. They would hit and kick me and choke me over and over again until I was so weak that there would be no way I could fight back they would force me down and they umm..."  I sob not being able to continue.

Asher gets up and sits on the edge of my bed pulling me into his arms. "Its okay you're safe now." Is all he says over and over again as I sob and he rubs my back making me sob even harder.

I've never ever felt someone try and comfort me .

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