t w e n t y

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--- Continuing from Ashers Pov ---

When I get to the house Ethan and the girls are waiting outside. They all get in not saying a word. We ride in silence my hands grip the steering wheel and my thoughts run through my brain.

"Do you know what happened?" Jules hesitantly breaks the silence. I shake my head."Noah wouldn't tell me. "That means it's bad," Brooke says, staring through the window.

"She's going to be okay she's in good hands," Nicky responds in a definite way.

"You don't know that Nicky. You can't always assume the best in every situation." I bite back at her. "I know that." is all she says before falling silent now I feel bad. "Fuck!" I yell slamming my fist on the steering wheel.

"It's gonna be fine dude you need to chill," Ethan says squeezing my shoulder. "I warned her not to go to California. I fucking told her not to go."

Everyone stays silent the rest of the way. When we walk in we get visitor stickers at the front desk and get told the room number.

Noah meets us halfway. "Hey baby." Nicky gives him a quick hug and we all follow him to the room.

Before we walk in Noah stops us. "Before you go in I have to warn you its not going to be a pretty sight whoever did this to her beat her up pretty good. They gave her a sedative so she's sleeping now she should be awake in a couple hours. The doctor told us as well as they already told her she had a miscarriage."

Jules gasps. Noah continues talking but I don't hear him. She was pregnant what the fuck.

"Her emotional state it's going to be all over the place but we just have to offer our support and be strong for her and Jake." Noah finishes and everyone nods their agreement before he opens the door.

When the door opens nobody could have prepared for the sight that greeted us. She lay asleep on the hospital bed hooked up to several machines and monitors. Her right wrist was bandaged cuts and bruises covered her arms. One of her eyes was swelling.

Jake looks up at us he looks like a wreck. He has this devastated helpless look on his face. His eyes puffy and red and bags under his eyes making it seem like he hasn't slept in days.

"I need a minute." Is all I say before leaving the room and closing the door behind me. My breaths come fast and heavy. "Fucking hell." I mutter to myself my hands come up rubbing my face.

I look down at my hand it's shaking. It never shakes. I hear someone step out of the room behind me. "You alright man?" It's Ethan.

I just shake my head. "Who could do this? What kind of fucking coward would do this to her?"

"I don't know." Is all Ethan can say.

"To Madison of all people. She didn't deserve this nobody does. She's been nothing but kind to every single person."

I turn around to face Ethan. Tears are rolling down his face.

"Are you okay?" Ethan just shakes his head but takes a deep breath composing himself. "Let's go back in and be there for Jake and the girls."

I knew this might have been hitting a little too close to home for Ethan. He doesn't talk about it a lot but growing up his dad was a raging alcoholic and had extreme anger issues. Often his dads anger was taken out on Ethan when he was younger.

I know not to push him so I just nod my head and follow him back in.

Nicky's sitting on Noah's lap trying to hide the tears streaming down her face. Jules is sitting next to Madison's bed holding her hand tears forming in her eyes.

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