Chapter 6: Xania

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Xania Ayden

“Did you see that?” Adrianna asked me.

What the hell? How can someone flicker?

Xania, it must be the lights.

“No... can’t be...,” I said, shaking my head, trying to think of a reason for why a teacher would appear to flicker. “Must be the lights,” I told Adrianna. “It has to be. I have done such a prank once.”

“Prank?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Yeah... my cousin really pissed me off on her birthday which is a two days before Halloween. So as a pre-Halloween gift I... well, I added red coloring to her toothpaste so her teeth were stained. I also put the squirting water batch on her teddy bear which was a total mistake because the victim turned out to be my aunt and she had a purple splash on her face for three days.

“But anyways, lastly I did that flickering light trick which made her think it flickered and she was damn annoyed when she found out I was trying to be avenging,” I explained.

“Why did you do that?” Adrianna asked me, both of us forgetting about what we just saw.

“She made out with my boyfriend,” I shrugged.

“How did you find out?”

“She made out with my boyfriend in front of me. On her birthday so I couldn’t say anything offensive. And then when I broke off with him, she dumped him. And she kissed the guy on whom I had a crush,” I told her.

“Evil cousin,” Adrianna commented.

“There’s more,” I said.


You know what’s worse than waking up at five thirty in the morning to get ready and head for breakfast?

Well... I’ll fill you in. It’s sitting next to a purple haired girl who has drool coming out of her mouth as she sleeps in the world’s most boring chemistry class anyone could ever attend.

It was almost exhausting to listen to Mrs. Molly chatter about ionic equilibrium. The thought of saving myself from the torture struck my mind but I dropped the idea when I noticed the skull and snake tattoo on the wrist of my sleeping partner. I would definitely not talk to her.

But of course, there was something missing about the tattoo. I took out my black pen and pretended to take notes so Mrs. Molly wouldn’t get suspicious.

Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy.

But here’s my number. So call me maybe. :*

I wrote down the number that was written on the back of her register, probably her boyfriend’s. Now her hand looked complete with the tattoo and the request.

Yeah, I know... It was silly of me to do such stuff. But let me tell you, you wouldn’t blame me if you had been sitting in the death-by-lecture chamber handled by Mrs. Molly.

The bell was our savior and I was glad when we were set free. Later did I realize that our chemistry class was in competition with the botany class taken by Ms. Farren.

“Why didn’t this island get washed away in a tsunami?” I asked Aria when our teacher was drawing the Kreb’s Cycle on the board.

“This island is known to have the opposite effects. Apparently, this island attracts ships that got wrecked in the storms. So this place got its name,” Aria replied in a whisper. Then she asked, “How much would you rate this academy? On a scale from 1 to 10?”

“Based on the creep factor? I’d rate 11,” I replied.

Aria laughed but the rest of our conversation was brought to a halt when Ms. Farren turned around to voice what she had drawn on the board. And boy, that teacher had some skills! She taught better than toddlers!

The recess was separated from us by half an hour of idiotic track events which included taking continuous rounds of the vast round. Seeing the vast expanse, I was tempted to run off towards the other end which was dense with trees.

But the strict coach, Mr. Pete, made it hard for me and the others to follow our desires.

“I don’t wanna run anymore. It’s been ten minutes and I’m tired. First the sleeping chambers in disguise of class and now this!” I whined to Tanya.

“For a sweet looking girl she sure is grumpy,” Daemon commented as he ran past me and Tanya.

Grumpy? Who? Me? I wasn’t grumpy! I was adapting to the new changes around me while complaining a bit. Just a teeny tiny bit.

I increased my pace to catch up to Daemon. Although my breathing was rapid and my heart was pounding so hard that it might fracture my ribs (crazy, I know), I asked Mr. Arrogant, “What makes you think I am grumpy?”

“The same thing that compelled you to sympathize with your brother for being my roommate,” Daemon replied, not even glancing my way for once.

“Maybe you are not really great at making nice first impressions,” I told him with nonchalance.

Daemon abruptly stopped in his track so I was left running ahead.

Unbelievable!, I thought as I stopped too. I held my hands in a universal surrender position and said, “Look, I’m sorry we didn’t have the best start. But can we start over?”

“People don’t get first chances for the second time,” Daemon ignored me after that and resumed running laps.

“Jerk!” I said and joined Tanya. She rose her eyebrows questioningly so I explained, “He is a jerk and a waste of time. I bet his arrogance scares people away.”

“He’s one of my closest friends and Adrianna’s best friend,” Tanya told me as her honey blond hair swayed from side to side while we jogged.

“Adrianna is really nice. How can she stand him?” I asked. “I mean, she seems cool and he’s a fool.”

“They’ve been best friends since a year.”

“I hate this academy,” I muttered under my breath.


A/N: Thank you all for reading! :-)

There's some twist coming up in the next chapter and it might be uploaded in the next twenty hours. :-)

This chapter is dedicated to Betheyness for her optimistic approach and motivating support :-)

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P.S. Who is the worst till now according to you? :-P

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