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~3nd person pov~

arguing sounded in the manor echoing every wall. 505 a blue bear originally meant for evil but turned out good instead was cowarding in his bedroom. Dementia the only female in the manor who was some kind of lizard human hybrid was in her bedroom worrying for flug and black hat. Catnip was in the kitchen making tea knowing well that he would most likely end up calming one of the two down. Black hat and dr flug the boss and scientist where in black hat's office having some petty argument.

~dr. flug's pov~
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shout at black hat before slamming the office door in tears. I start running to my bedroom tears flowing down my face leaving darkened marks on the bag I wear over my head. I reach my bedroom and just sit on my bed covered in multiple blankets when I hear a knock at the door. "come in" I say in a weak voice watching as catnip opens the door holding a cup of tea he had a calming smile "here this should help calm you down" catnip says flicking his tail before handing me the cup. "okay now explain what happened" catnip says sitting on the edge of the bed I look into the tea cup before taking a sip and explaining the whole reason for that argument.

~catnip's pov~

I stare at flug paying close attention to the story in his point of view. After he finish I realized how petty this argument actually was 'I should get black hat's point of view before giving advice to one of them on how to make it up to each other' I think before thanking flug for his explanation on the argument and leaving. I put my paws in my hoodie pocket while walking to the kitchen to get another cup of tea for black hat 'at least they rarely argue' I think walking into the kitchen. Taking my paw out from my hoodie pocket I lean onto the counter and open up a cabinet revealing multiple cups and mugs. I grab some random cup that was in my reach 'man being the shortest one here really sucks' I think grabbing the tea kettle that still contained boiling hot water. I pour the water into the cup and grab a tea bag placing it into the water. The water turns into a light brown and I grab my phone setting a 3 minute timer waiting for the cup to cool down as I could easily grab it and bring it to black hat without burning my paws. I hear my timer go off so I stop it and place my phone into a pocket on my jeans I grab the cup and start making my way to black hat's office. I arrive and carefully hold the cup in one hand and quickly kock with my free hand hearing a "come in" I open the door finding a anger black hat trying to calm himself down. "here mr. lord black hat" I say placing the cup on his desk "it'll help calm you down but for now I need you to tell my your side of the argument if you don't mind" I say hearing black hat grumble something and picking up the cup.

~black hat's pov~

I quickly drink the tea feeling my self calm down some. I put the cup down and start explaining to catnip my point of view during the argument.

~time skip~

"I see" catnip purrs placing a paw under his chin as if in deep thought. "Okay then I will check back on you when your a bit more calm since making it up to dr. flug while not completely calm probably won't end well" catnip says walking out of my office his tail snaking behind him. I start thinking of flug soon enough find my self pretty calm 'that argument was pretty petty now that I think of it' I think standing up from my seat walking around my desk and pacing around the room.

~catnip's pov~

I exit my room and start making my way across the manor where black hat's office is located. I quickly go down the stairs trying to not slip since before the argument 505 had cleaned the stairs and they were not fully dry yet. I walk through the long hall ways before reaching a second pair of stairs yet again I walk up them this time trying to not slip. I reach the top of the stairs are start walking to my left stopping somewhere in the middle of multiple doors and knocking on it. I open the door after hearing black hat telling me to come in "now that you seem more calm I can give you advice on how to make up with flug" I say my flicking my tail before my tail drops down the end of it curving upwards. "Just go into his room and apologize to dr. flug" I say calmly "that's it?" black hat asks confused "yes with how petty the argument was and after hearing both of your point of views just giving a apology for starting the argument should be enough" I reply before walking to the doors opening them slipping out of the room and closing them behind me.

~black hat's pov~

I sigh knowing that catnip was right the argument was petty and I did start it so it would only be right if I were to be the one to apologize first. I walk out of my office and down the stairs walking over to the other side of my manor and walking up the stairs and walking over to the second door closest to the stair case of the right. I knock on the door hearing a quiet 'come in' I open the door and find flug sitting on his bed wrapped in blankets "what do you want?" flug ask coldly looking away from me. I sit on his bed in front of him "flug I'm sorry that argument was petty and I didn't need to start it" I tell flug. I look up at him seeing him looking at me.

~dr. flug's pov~

I smile under my bag even though he couldn't see it. "I forgive you" I say hugging black hat the blankets slightly falling off my shoulders. I notice black hat hug me back making my smile grow a but wider.

A/N: hope you enjoyed this story!

word count: 1072

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