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Heroic au!

Also my apologizes for such a long wait for me to update [angst at the begining] ____________________________________________________________

~white hat's pov~

"slug?.." I call out towards slug he had his head tilted at a angle light reflecting off of his goggles. He stood there lifeless. I reach my hand out taking a step closer. Suddenly the room turns black; slug nowhere to be seen. I step back scared my arms tightly against my chest is a protective position. A tear runs down my cheek. I run for what seems like hours running at what looked like dr. slug except he was on the ground back turned to me he was laying in a pool of blood not moving..not breathing. "SLUG!" I yell tears leaving a trail behind me. I finally reach him. I get on my knees and grab his side...he was frozen cold. I turn him onto my back the tears becoming unbearably heavy making my eye sight go so blurry I could barely see a thing.

Dr. slug was dead a flower punctuated into his heart.

I bolt up awake. I was confused for a split second before sighing in relief. 'It was just I dream' I think wiping the tears that drew from my eyes. I look at the time..12:00 am..'I should try and sleep..' I think laying back down.

~time skip~

I wake up and stretch my arms up into the air my back popping in the process 'well that definitely was not a very pleasant night of sleep' I think getting out of bed. I put on my suit and stand in front of a mirror to do my tie..'I hope that he's okay'  thought creeps into my head. I shake my head ignoring the thought "he'll be alright he is always alright after his missions" I wispier calming myself. I put on a big smile and exit my bedroom making my way to the dinning room. I walk pass slug's bedroom and I come to a stop I look over my shoulder at the door before shaking my head 'he's fine' I think continuing my way to the dinning room a smile plastered on my face. "Good morning 606!" I say walking into the dinning room finding 606 already seated and waiting for clemencia to serve breakfast. 606 nods indicating he heard me. I sit at the head of the long table. "Morning 606 Morning white hat!" clemencia calls out cheerfully placing my plate in front of me, 606's plate in front of him, and her plate in front of a chair before pulling the chair out and sitting down. "Good morning clemencia and thank you!" I say grabbing my fork. I finish eating and clemencia collects everyone's plates probably to go clean them. I watch 606 leave before I stand up myself pushing my chair in. I was at the door hand on the door-knob when I hesitantly looked over my shoulder at the chair slug normally sits in. "he's fine" I sigh opening the door. I walk up stairs and to my office I open the door stepping in the door closing behind me. I sigh and walk to my desk "he'll be back tomorrow" I quietly say to myself starting to do my paperwork for the day. After about a hour I hear a knock on my door "please enter!" I say looking up with a smile plastered on my face. I see clemencia walk in with a tray that had two bowls on it. "hello clemencia what brings you here?" I ask calming. Clemencia walks up to my desk and puts one of the bowls it was filled with fruit "here a morning snack" she smiles warmly. "Oh thank you clemencia!" I say grabbing the bowl and placing it closer to me. "your welcome!" she says walking out of my office closing the door with her foot. I stare at the fruit bowl my smile no longer there. I pick up a grape 'he could be dead thanks to you' a voice spoke out in my head. I snap up into a straight position.  'No he can't be dead slug can handle that wrong doer' I think tears swelling up in my eye(s?). I put my head in my hands 'he's okay he's okay he's okay he's okay he's okay' I repeat calming my breathing; tears evaporating into the atmosphere. I sigh staring at the fruit in the bowl. I was a mix of fruits, cut up banana's, apple slices, grapes, slices of mango, etc. 'he'll be okay' I think starting to snack on the fruit taking a break from my work.

~time skip to night~

I crawl into bed my mind calm and empty. I slip under the covers laying on my side drifting off to sleep.

~white hat's dream~

I stand in a room just completely white when the room flashes black and turns back to white showing dr. slug in standing position his head tilted, light reflecting off his goggles, almost as if he were dead..'I remember this' I think before the room my body starts to move on it own, now running as if I was being chased by something that was out looking for blood. I drop down to my knees seeing slug dead flower piercing his heart once more. I hug him tightly my eyes now fully blurry.

I bolt up to my alarm clock getting out of bed and quickly getting ready for the day even speeding passed breakfast. I couldn't wait to see him. The whole day passes by and I become worried.

~3nd person pov~

Clemencia and 606 were fast asleep in there rooms paying no mind to slug not being home as of yet. White hat sat in his office thoughts of slug being dead or brutally injured to where he was incapable of coming back home. White hat perked up hearing the front door opening and closing. White hat dashes down staires finding a very tried slug "you're back!" he exclaims hugging slug tightly. Slug didn't protest or even speak no instead he ended up falling asleep in the arm of white hat.

~white hat's pov~

I hear small quiet snores and noticed slug fell asleep 'awwwww' I think picking slug up. "Yeah your coming with me" I wispier light blue blush spread a cross my cheeks. I bring him to my bedroom and lay him on the bed. I change into pajamas before getting in bed and falling asleep my my arms around slug his around me.

A/N: hope you guys enjoyed this story!

word count: 1082

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