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Smut warning!

requested by: twilightdimond

also a bit more horny then normal!


~black hat's pov~

I throw flug onto his bed. Flug is already red blushing mess "oh d-daddy I'm so sorry for being in your office without permission" he pleads. I pin him down onto the bed "to late to say sorry~" I say with lust mixed into my voice as I bite down hard onto flug's shoulder "AHHHHHH~~~~~~~~" Flug screams in pain and pleasure. I like the blood off my lips "tasty" I say under my breathe as I rip off flug's clothing including his bag. I take off my own clothing with simple magic. I shove my hard-ass dick into flug's tight entry. Once again he screams in pleasure and pain. I shut him up by kissing him shaving my tongue into his mouth as I thrust into him roughly. I still thrusting now shove one of my tentacle's into flug's ass thrusting even harder. A different tentacle stocks flug's dick at a intense speed. Pre-cum spreading all over the tentacle. I finally release my mouth from his a trail of saliva contenting our mouths as flug tries to hold back moans yet failing. "aw is fluggy already about to cum?~" I say as the tentacle keeps stroking his dick. "n- *moans* o" he says "are you sure?~" I reply as I and my two tentacles go even faster making flug scream in pleasure even more. I once again bite down onto flug's neck multiple times biting hard enough to leave marks. "Please daddy stop i'm i'm gonna-" flug yells as cum flies all over me, himself, and the tentacle that was stroking the dick. "aw and so early I see?" I say continuing the thrust now sticking another tentacle into his ass.

~time skip because I am lazy~

~black hat's pov counties~

I cum into flug filling him up as cum drips from his ass-hole. I finally take out my dick and tentacles. I clean up everything with my magic even putting flug into some comfortable pajamas "you should get some rest~" I say walking out the door not bothering to look at what I assume to be a blushing mess of a flug. Back in my office I get back to work when a thought crosses my mind 'yeah he isn't gonna be able to walk tomorrow' a sly smirk creeps onto my face and I sign a few more papers.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the story, thank you for the request, sorry it took so long for me to actually get to as well.

Word count: 425

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