Pocky challenge

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Yay I came up with a idea!


~dr flug's pov~

I was in my lab working on a new device meant to trap the victim in a sticky substance like a spiderweb of some sorts. Suddenly the intercom comes on startling me "dr. flug report to my office now" black hat says the intercom cutting out after 'of god i'm not in trouble am I?' I think quickly stashing the unfinished prototype in my lab coat pocket. I make my way to black hat's office trembling more and more the closer I get. I finally reach his office and knock on the door "come in doctor" a voice says from behind the door. I open the door and slip inside finding black hat sitting in a chair looking at paperwork rather calmly? He looks up from his paperwork gesturing to the seat in front of him I walk over and sit down "you don't need to trembling flug I just need you to explain something to me" black hat says in a unusually calm voice "oh um o-okay sir?" I say confused as I stop trembling as much. black hat stands up from his desk and walks over behind me sighing I turn round grabbing the back of the chair cat eyeing black hat as he paces back and forth "explain to me what is 'the pocky challenge'?" he asks not bothering to even look at me. I was kinda shocked he didn't know what it was but holding back laughter I said "the pocky challenge is when two p-people take a pocky from a p-pocky box and place one end in there mouths slowly the two people start to nibble there way to the middle but who ever backs off looses and if nobody backs off then it well r-results in a k-kiss" "I see" black hat says freezing in place and placing his hand under his chin as if in deep thought. "m-may I ask sir b-but why d-did you w-want to know what the p-pocky challenge is?" I ask nervously "dementia challenge me to it and while I turned her down [refused] I got curious and asked you since I am not gonna ask a bear and I do not wish to ask that lizard girl" he says calmly but slightly annoyed when saying dementia's name. "ah I-I see" I say watching black hat pace back and forth once more seeming to have something on his mind.

~black hat's pov~

'should I?' I think pacing back and forth knowing well flug was cat eyeing me. I suddenly stop in my tracks and turn to flug sighing I open my mouth "flug.." "yes?" he replies "I challenge you to this pocky challenge" I say watching as he goes red enough you could see it through he paper bag "w-what?!" he says "hmm tell you what you win you get a break if I win you get one day less to work on the prototype" I say raising the stakes and making a pocky box appear out of thin air "f-fine" flug says standing up and walking over to me still quite red. I take out a pocky stick and crotch down to his level watching as flug slightly lifts the bag only showing his lips I bite down on one side of the pocky and flug bites down on the other side. I start nibbling at it and so does flug who seems determined to win for the break I promised him. The pocky was almost completely gone and our faces were barely a inch apart. I take one more bite connecting our lips and closing my eyes.

~dr flug's pov~

I melt into the kiss 'this is kinda nice' I think to myself as we break the kiss. Black hat looked away having a mint green tint on his cheeks which I assume was blush. Black hat clears his throat and says "go enjoy your break flug but I expect you to be working at 2:00 pm" "yes sir" I say happily leaving probably still a red mess but who cares I just got a one hour break.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the story! I low key remembered this challenge and was like I must make paperhat story.

word count: 707

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