What happened here?!

450 7 3

Requested by: SpoonGuySam


~Black hat's pov~

With a groan I sit up in confusion. I place my hand on my head 'why do I have a head ache?' I ponder taking my hand off my head and look over to my side seeing something under the blanket of what looked like a bed. 'What the?-' I reach my hand out and place my hand on the blanket pulling the blanket revealing Dr. flug peacefully sleeping. My face goes warm as I realized we were sleeping the same bed together last night. I shake my head clearing my dirty thoughts from my head I look down and see I still had my suit on meanwhile flug was wearing a yellow hoodie and jeans with socks. I look around the room and see we were in my bedroom 'odd I don't remember anything from last night' I hear a grunt and feel the vibration of something moving in the bed. My head snaps back to flug; He was waking stretchering his arms up into the air. He turns his head towards me and jumps back in supersize I grab his wrist right before he falls off the bed. I pull him onto the bed with his face landing on my chest and his hand next to one of my legs. My cheeks go green; blush smothering my face.

~Dr flug's pov~

I sit back normally looking up at black hat we were both a blushing mess. "W-what happened last night?" I ask and black hat snaps out of his trance "I don't know" he replies I look around and spot a bottle of beer on the ground 'I guess that explains the head ache-' I look back at black hat. Just silence until I chose to speak up "so how do you think this happened? "well...."

Black hat's version:

It was late at night you were working on something I was going to check on you.

Flug: okay?

anyways I check on you and find you asleep and I don't know but maybe I brought you to my room for ahem u-unknown reasons

[sorry I couldn't think of anythinggggggg]

black hat story ends**

~3nd person pov~

Flug looks away from black hat as if in deep thought 'I wonder what he means he brought me here for unknown reasons?..' Flug thought to himself before the short termed silence was broken with his idea of what had happened.

Flug's version:

Dementia, you, and I were drinking after a very successful sale. You and I ended up getting drunk so we walked to your room hand in hand before collapsing on your bed a cuddling position. You kiss me on the cheek before we fall asleep.

Flug's version ends**

~3nd person pov~

black hat looks into flug's eyes a green tinted blush on his face; flug's face was tinted red. "F..lug" black hat spoke out " yes jefeicito?" says flug looking down towards the bed now realizing what he had said. "I love...you" black hat confesses hugging flug tightly. 'I know it is wrong for a human to love a demon' thought the paper-bagged boy yet still he replied with a "love you too" hugging his new found boyfriend back.

What actually happened:

"good job" said black hat handing flug a bottle of wine as he himself starts to chug down another bottle. "WOOOOO" yelled dementia as she cheered on flug and black hat who were having a drinking contest to see who could take more. After a few minutes both were drunk and acting romantically dumb. Black hat ended up winning with around 20 full bottles and flug ended with about 4-5 bottles. Dementia fed up with watching the to being a romantic mess grabs flug and black hat by their wrists and drags the two to a random bedroom, which was black hat's room but dementia wasn't paying attention. Dementia throws the two onto the bed before walking off to go get some sleep her self. Black hat and Flug coddled for the most part though black hat landed some small kisses on flug's paper-bagged cheek. Black hat even confessed to flug and flug confessed to black hat about their feelings for each other while under the fluence of alcohol Eventually the two fell asleep and 505 checked on them in the morning deciding to leave the sleeping human and demon alone. Flug and black hat then ended up waking up some time in the afternoon.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for the request and I am so so so sorry it took so long to get too!

word count: 750

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