costume party

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~3nd person pov~

dementia dashed through the halls into black hat's office "Blackie Blackie!" she screeched "what dementia?" sighed the annoyed black hat "Can we please have a costume party besides it's spooky month after all" dementia bits her tongue with stars in her eyes. "No." replies black hat little did he know for the next two weeks dementia would bother him asking for the costume party. 

~time skip to present day~

"Fine!" black hat says he had cracked he couldn't take the annoyance any more with dementia asking him for almost 10 per day! Dementia jumped up in joy "YAYYYYYY!" she yelled as she dashed off to tell the other and make invites for other villains.

~black hat's pov~

I slump down in my chair hands rubbing my forehead 'damn that girl really knows how to give some one a damn head ache..' I think hearing a soft knock on the door. "Come in" I say fixing my posture. Flug walks into the room "so are we having a costume party? I don't know to believe dem or not.." he asks in a soft voice clearly tried since it's early in the morning. We start having a conversation about this.

~meanwhile with dementia and catnip~

~dementia's pov~

I dash into catnip's room and open the curtain only to have catnip point a gun at me while he lays in bed his back turned to me. "What dementia?" he asks in a annoyed voice since someone disrupted his sleep "put the gun down catnip than I will tell you" I hiss "fine" he reply putting the gun back under his pillow 'wait why the fuck does he have a gun under his fucking pillow-' I space off before snapping back to reality with catnip snapping a small yet noticeable smile on his face. "Well?.."  catnip asks clearly still annoyed as he looks at his phone "why did you wake me up at 2 in the fucking morning?" "oh I just wanted to tell you we are having a costume party on October the 13th since it's a friday meaning friday the 13th" I smile showing off my teeth catnip rolls his eyes playfully "alright" he says waving at me in a dismissive way as I leave.

~flug's pov~

I leave black hat's office costume ideas on my mind. Suddenly a idea creeps into my mind 'Sally and Jack! from nightmare before Christmas' I dash back into black hat's room and explain to him the idea. "sound's interesting I'll allow it though I'm being jack" black hat groans tiredly. A smile of joy creeps onto my face even if nobody could see it; it's there.

~time skip~

it's been a few days but the costume party is finally set up thanks to dementia and 505 doing most of the work. The costume party was tomorrow and I was doing one more check to make sure that the costume fitted correctly it did. I stretch my arms up into the air before changing into some pj's. I plop down on my bed staring up at the ceiling happily I was excited for the party after all. I finally fall asleep sometime around 12:00 am.

~3nd person pov~

it was now morning and dementia was adding small finishing touches to the room the party was being held along with the two outside balconies connected to the room. Dementia was dressed in a zombie costume a classic. 505 wore a unicorn costume. Catnip wore a were-cat costume [a werewolf but its a cat instead]. Flug wore his sally costume. Black hat wore his Jack costume. At 8:00 pm on the dot they started to welcome party guests everybody had on a unique costume barely any villain had the same costume as anyone else. While everyone was partying catnip snuck off to one of the balconies to get some alone time; he wasn't ever a huge fan of parties. late at night flug walked out to a balcony looking for his jack the pumpkin king [black hat] when he saw him standing on the balcony leaning on the railing staring at the stars and moon. It was a full moon that night. flug crept up behind black hat before attempting to spook him which of course didn't work. Flug and Black hat talked for a little until...the moon light shined on flug and black hat as black hat grabbed flug's shoulders and kissed him with passion. Flug melted into the kiss soon ended "I love you flug" the words slipped from black hat's lips as he stared at a star struck flug. "love you to" flug replied in a quiet calm voice.

~meanwhile with catnip~

catnip stared at flug and black hat from the other balcony as he took pictures of the two kissing one thought in his head..'yo what the fuck-'

A/N: Happy spooky monthhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! hope you guys enjoyed! [and if you don't celebrate anything in October then happy October]

word count: 810

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