a calming wispier

724 4 1

~3nd person pov~

It was 5:30 am however nobody could be found in the manor. Catnip, black hat, flug, dementia, and 505 were at a air port since they have a client who they had to travel to for a meeting with.

~dr. flug's pov~

I sat next in between catnip who was listing to music with head phones and black hat who was looking at a magazine. Little did anyone else know I still carry slight trauma from my first time meeting black hat. The speaker comes on telling passengers to start boarding the plane I stand up from my seat and so do the others. Once on the plane I sit in the window seat black hat next to me, 505 and dementia sitting next to each other, and catnip had to sit next to some random person. I grabbed a magazine from the pocket on the back of the seat in front of me and start looking through it. The magazine showed pictures of cherry trees, mountains, tokyo, etc. I put the magazine back and just stare out the window not realizing how much I was trembling already.

~black hat's pov~

I notice flug trembling probably since the  first time we ment he did crash into my manor with his plane so he might not be quite ready to fly again just yet. I grab flug's hand but flug has no reaction indicating that he's spacing out. The pilot comes onto the intercom and starts blabbering about safety patrols and shit I wasn't paying much attention. The plane finally starts to lift off the ground making flug snap back to reality and start shaking so noticable catnip took notice of it (catnip was still listening to music and was sitting in the middle row of the plane). "Is he okay?" Catnip mouthed to me probably trying to not wake up whoever was snoring next to him. "I got it under control" I mouth back at catnip which he nods in response and goes back to paying attention to his music. I put my free hand on flug's shoulder making him turn towards me fear could be seen in his eyes. "Y-y-yeah j-jefeicto?" Flug mumbles only loud enough so I could hear him. "Your okay alright I can promise you that the plane will not crash" I wispier to him which seemed to make flug calm down slightly. "O-o-okay" flug chokes out clearly still scared.

~time skip~

About half way through the flight I noticed flug has fallen asleep so I take the opportunity to put my arm around his shoulders before making him lean into my shoulder since even if it was out of character it would be more comfortable for him. I eventually found myself drifting off to sleep my head leaning on Flug's bag.

~flug's pov~

I wake up to a odd pressure on my head noticing that I am leaning on black hat 's shoulder and black hat was asleep holding me close. I could fell myself turn red since if I moved he might wake up. 'well this is just perfect isn't it..' I think sarcastically noticing how late it had gotten. 'right this is going to be a very long flight' I think before feeling myself dozing off once more but wake myself up some how managing to set a timer on my phone that should wake black hat and I up in a little bit. My vision goes blurry before I fall back asleep.

A/N: there I finally updated this and I hope you guys enjoyed this idea I came up with on such short notice.

Word count: 615

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