Lab Coat

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~dr. slug's pov~

I look at the time '3:30 pm' read the clock on my phone. I grab the invention I made and stand up making my way to white hat's office. I reach his office and open the door slipping in and closing it behind me. I turn away from the door seeing white hat sleeping in his chair. 'well shit guess i'll have to wait on the invention' I think to myself growing curious I walk closer. I was now standing next to him and while white hat was softly snoring I looked at the things on his desk. Paper work, pens, a small clock, etc. there was just a bunch of random shit on his desk mostly paperwork however. I sigh quietly as I put my invention on his desk and slip my lab coat off and place it over white hat as it were some sort of coat. I slightly blushed but I lifted my bag up slightly and kissed white hat on the fore head before fixing my bag and walking off back to my lab quietly as to not disturb my sleeping boss.

~time skip~

~white hat's pov~

I wake up still kinda tried. I look down and see slug's lab coat making my blush a blue hue. 'why did he?-' I think before shaking the thought off and I look at my desk finding the finished invention I asked slug for on it. I smiled and grabbed the invention placing it into a drawer on the desk 'i'll deal with that later but for now I better go return his lab coat' I think standing up and walking around my desk. I exit my office and start making my way to slug's lab. I knock on his lab door getting no answer I open the door and walk into lab calm closing the door behind me. I turn my head to the left seeing slug slightly dozing off while messing with some invention of his I also noticed some sort of white string coming from underneath his paper bag. I release that he has headphones in so he was listening to music. I peer at a clock on the wall farthest to me it mostly goes unused the clock read '7:00 pm' suddenly I hear a thud and soft snoring following after. I look back and slug seeing him asleep on his desk. I smile to myself at the cute sight before teleporting more comfortable clothing on to him and teleporting him to his bedroom. I leave his lab coat on one of his desks along with a small note that read:

Here's your lab coat back, and good night

- white hat

I then walk out of his lab to go check on my other employees.

A/N: wa la just a cute story that I hope you enjoyed!

word count: 470

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