interesting text

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~3nd person pov~

late one a slightly clouded night flug layed in his bed sleeping, 505 shifts his position in his slumber, dementia on her phone scrolling through Instagram, catnip on a walk somewhere, and black hat also on his phone unable to focus on his work with a certain someone in mind. Black hat puts his phone down and slups over his desk his face covered by his hands. suddenly his phone goes off with a small 'ding'. with a groan he grabs his phone seeing that dementia had texted him. the text read:

'what's the matter with you I can feel your gloomy mood from here and I'm a cross the manor!'

black hat rolled his good eye before replying 'nothing is the matter just have something on my mind is all' before he had the chance to put his phone down he gets another 'ding' as it slowly dies out in a echo he reads the text 'Ooo do you have someone on your mind???' 'No! why would I the great Black hat ever like someone?' he reply 'you sure' dementia keeps pushing on. With a groan and being to tired and annoyed he just texts 'well I might have a certain someone on my mind but how do I well ya know?' 'OMG!!!! YOUR IN LOVE YOU HAVE GOTTA TELL HER OR HIM OR THEM!' dementia answered in a harsh excitable tone. again black hat rolled his eye when a ding could be herd from his phone. Expecting to be dementia fan-girling over this he looks at his phone seeing it was from flug shortly he realizes he put all of that in the group chat. 'I'm trying to sleep what are you guys even talking about?' flug yawns as he reads black hat's text back 'nothing!' flug rolls his eyes and puts his phone down onto his night stand 'odd' he thinks before falling asleep oddly dreaming of black hat who was now arguing with dementia in a private chat room.

A/N: hey sorry I know this is very short but I wanted to post something so here it is hope you enjoyed also there is a fun fact for you catnip likes to go on walks late at night though most of the time he I visiting this brothers.

word count: 390

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