Dazed and unfazed

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~black hat's pov~
"I haven't heard from flug in a while" I hum to myself jolting out of my chair. I regain myself and start heading out the door down the stairs through the hallways and into the lab. I walk and find flug sitting at his desk staring down at it almost as if he were a statue. "Flug?" I call out in confusion stepping close enough to flug and crouching down to his level. No answer I wave my hand in front of his bag yet still no answer? "Flug?" No answer "Flug?"no answer "FLUG" I yell yet no answer he remains unfazed. I getting worried turn him in his chair stand up and grab his shoulders. I shake him roughly wt he remains the same at least that's what I thought. I once more crouch in front of him and stare at him when suddenly I hear a small quiet sniff. "Flug?..." I ask again lifting up his head with my finger cupping his 'chin'. Flug doesn't sap out of this trance or daze he is in still making me worried. "Flug come on I know this isn't normal for me or you but please answer me!" I say in a rushed nervous tone. Suddenly Flug falls into my arms. I pick him up and teleport us to his room. I lay him down onto the bed and remove his bag revealing his fluffy blonde hair, scared, and freckled face. I place the bag in the nightstand and put my hand on his forehead. My hand dashes back 'damn his head is hot-' I think to my self realizing how sick he was. I look around seeing nobody even remotely near the room. I kissed his forehead not caring if I got sick as well and walk out of the room to look for catnip. I find him and tell him to go look after flug while he is sick. Catnip nods and walks off. I walk to my office hoping that he's okay when a thought pops into my mind 'wait- how would catnip get flug into his room since all his medical supplies is in there-'

A/N: hope you enjoyed the story sorry it was kinda rushed and don't worry SpoonGuySam your request is currently being written this story was just already written and not published.

Word count: 391

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