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requested by: Gaytwat2000

smut chapter

sorry if it took a bit to get to your request


~3nd person pov~

In black hat's manor Catnip was in his room watching youtube on his laptop, dementia was in the kitchen making some gross kind of slushie, 505 was sleeping, Flug was having a conversation with black hat in his office. "You want me to make What?!" flug yelped a blush so vibrant you could see it through the bag he wore. "You heard me flug unless you want...consequences~" black hat hummed staring lustfully at flug.

~Flug's pov~

'I know he's in heat but why does he want me to make a collar that could fit around MY neck?!' I ponder as I walk out of his office trembling at what black hat had in store. after around 20-30 minutes I reach the lab. I crumble into my chair and put my hands on my face/hag while my head lay back on the chair. I fix my poster and with a sigh I scower through my draws finding measuring tape. I gulp and measure my neck making careful calculations I finally get to work on the collar the next day. Another day passes by quickly and I finished the collar it was red with spikes on it along with a leash that was permanently attached. I headed to black hat's office trembling in fear 'maybe he just has a pet with a skinny neck like me?' I cleared my throat and pushed open the door staring at the floor a blush spread across my face. "ah done I see~" Black hat whispered teleporting behind me. I jump when he touches my neck and suddenly get pulled back. I look down and see the collar around my neck. The blush on my face worsted as black hat spoke with lust "my my trying to run away I see~" he pauses "this calls for discipline" he breathes heavily on my neck making me worried. Suddenly I feel my self get hard as tenticals wrapped around me and shoved me onto black hat's desk hold me in place. "Now be a good fluggy" Black hat's voice now deep and sexy I feel my pants slip down along with my boxers.

~black hat's pov~

I spawn a tentical out from the ground of my office that stretched to the door locking it and came back to where it spawned from now starting to rub flug's dick I don't give flug any time to comprehend what's happening as I shove my hard-ass dick into flug's ass. A loud moan erupted from flug more coming out from his mouth as I pull on the leash connected to the spiky collar he had on. A tentical came out of the ground and took off flug's shirt and coat. I shove that tentical into flug's ass after it put his clothes down another moan erupted from his mouth. I bite down furiously onto his shoulder as I thrust into him. When flug was about to cum the tentical rubbing his dick disappeared and I hearing knocks on the door I quickly finished my job cumming into flug and with a snap our clothes were cleaned and on flug a blushing mess unlocked the door and exited. I sit in my chair watching as catnip walks into my office "hello mr. lord black hat sir" Catnip says in a quiet voice. I glance at the time seeing how late it was which explained why catnip was wearing his pj's and seemed tired "why are you up so late?" I ask "I heard odd noises coming from this room which woke me up so I came to check it out". He replied I cleared my throat looking down I said "just go back to bed and ignore what you heard catnip" Catnip nods as a 'alright' before leaving the room 'holy shit flug you moan that load? Catnip'a room is litterally on the other side of the damn manor' 

~3nd person pov~

black hat spaces out with a derpy look on his face. Catnip actully relized what they were up to when he stepped outside the office a blush spread across his face realizing flug and black hat were having sex. Originally Catnip didn't realize due to his sleepy demeanor. Meanwhile with flug he laid in his bed unable to get that ahem experience out of his mind.

A/N: hope you enjoyed and sorry it was rushed I low key wrote this and had to go to bed after.

word count: 748

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