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Early in the morning Naruto woke up slightly confused as to why he had a bruise on his chest until he fully remembered what happened and jumped out of his bed to quickly get ready for the day. He then ran out the door telling Jiraiya that he was going to train. Course said man was just waking up and could only chuckle at his companion's determination. Though he soon went through his own morning routine a bit faster than normal so that he could go 'research' as much as possible before Naruto eventually came back wanting to go find Tsunade again. For he figured that just like normal Naruto would be a fast learner; even more so now that he had a reason to push himself even further. So, he wanted to make sure that some 'work' could be done before the brat tried to get him caught, which seemed to always be his hobby whenever he catches him.

"Gaki I always felt like you were family to me but I still hate that you always tried to stop me from learning about the female body. And now it seems that your son has taken up that idea as well…I heard of family pranks but come on what does a guy have to do to finally get a student that is perverted enough to learn all of the wonderful skills I have!" Jiraiya complained already knowing that Naruto wouldn't ever be that much of a pervert…..but that wouldn't stop him from trying of course.


After Naruto left the room he quickly went out of the town and found a shady area under a tree and began trying to form the rasengan in his palm. For he figured that if he could do it this way first then trying to do it while attacking someone would be easier to do. Course he failed many times but each time he did he simply began again determined to get it right in his time limit. Now of course he could always use the shadow clone jutsu to help himself out but he wanted to try and learn the jutsu without using his 'cheat' if possible. In fact, he would only use the jutsu to help if he was running out of time. After all, even if he wanted to learn it without his clone's help that didn't mean he wanted to lose that much money each and every year. Still thanks to the amount of chakra he had he ended up being able to practice all the way to lunch even though each time he failed the jutsu he lost a decent amount of chakra.

"I will get this jutsu right. Just you wait grandma. I will prove to you that I was serious!" Naruto thought determined as he went into town to buy a good lunch before going right back to work.

(He really should have realized and/or read that the shadow clone jutsu would work that way. I mean in the anime he spams them more than enough even to figure out this even if he was the dumbest person in the world)


Tsunade spent the day after the fight simply trying to figure out what she was going to do with the options that Orochimaru gave her. After all she truly did want her loved ones back but was it worth letting a monster destroy the village she once loved? Course thinking of both her loved ones and the village brought her thoughts back to the end of the fight she had earlier.

"There is no way that boy can learn the rest of that jutsu in a week. After all Kushi-chan tried to get me to learn it and for some reason even I couldn't get it to work. And that is with having nearly perfect chakra control due to being a medical ninja….But why does he have to remind me of them so much?" She thought then gave a sigh as she drank the rest of the bottle that she had and quickly ordered another.

~Konoha; _Hinata_~

Even though Hinata knew that Naruto was gone for the moment she still went towards his house to at least visit Haku. Which is how she ended up happily sitting on Naruto's couch as she tried to talk to Haku who seemed to make it a goal to get the entire apartment clean for her master.

Naruto: The Chakra Molder Where stories live. Discover now