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=Near Sound Village=

"Tsk I can't believe we are really gonna do this" the muscular man that use to control a gang complained now geared up.

"We don't have a choice man. Four eyes got all of us good this time. And here I thought he was always just running on Orochimaru's coattail." Another man stated with a grimace.

"You would have known if you actually properly listened to Kabuto-sama's brilliance. He is quite the scholar." A man in a lab coat stated happily.

"Tsk shut up ass kisser. You are the only one here NOT forced to follow that bastards orders."

"Heh, and yet you fail to see why it is smarter to be loyal to Kabuto-sama." The researcher states with his smile still present.

"Whatever….let's just go before I decide dying to this poison is worth cracking your skull open like a grape." The muscular man states gruffly and begins to walk away from the village. After which everyone else soon followed. Just like always it was a large group of basic sound ninja and daku but the researcher now had several Okaku following his every command.

(AN: the jonin level of daku basically the strongest daku that anyone but Orochimaru has the ability to control. Stating this seeing as I haven't used my different types at all in this story (Something I truly am saddened by)

Eventually the group made it to a rather large fortified building that was one of the research centers under the sound's control until they were pushed even farther back. Still none of the members of the team showed any hesitation in beginning the attack to try and tear down the building they built up in the years prior.

~Allied forces in building~

When the army of sound troops was first seen a message was quickly sent to the commander who was previously sitting in the throne room on the top floor. But with the news he quickly joins the rest of the Allied forces on the lower floors as they geared up as much as they could.

"Come on all of you I want to have our defenses iron clade in five minutes. Don't think I won't beat your ass if you dare take a second longer" the commander named Hasu ordered out loudly. Course he himself quickly did the same thing as everyone else and grabbed his gear. But instead of finding a post he stood in a spot where he felt he could keep as much information about the situations around him as possible.

"All troops ready and waiting for orders" A ninja close to Hasu stated and got a proud smirk from the man.

"Perfect then all of you waste no time. As soon as you can land blows feel free to hit these bastards back into the corner that they tried to come out from! Win this fast and I'll overlook an extra round of booze going missing tonight." Hasu stated getting cheers from mostly everyone.

Seconds later though everyone got serious again as several jutsus were launched out towards the sound running towards them. Sadly, these long range attacks only hindered the advance with very little damage to be seen.

Soon enough the distance between the two groups was drastically shortened and now the full-on battle truly began. The allied forces launched several wide spread jutsus that this time succeeded in taking care of several of the enemies but the rest didn't even spare a glance at their fallen. A moment later several kunai were thrown at the wall with a few sticking a little bit into the stone wall each with an explosive seal.

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