CH-31 Fighting for Love

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The next day Naruto met up with Sagiri and Shizuka to finalize their plan. It took a while but after they figured it out Sagiri got comfortable in the forest to make sure there wasn't two of him in the village. Meanwhile Shizuka left to simply wander around her village waiting for him to 'suddenly' challenge her to a fight. Finally, Naruto left now in his disguise to work with the traders so no one suspected Sagiri was someone else.

+Later on in the day+

After working with his family for a while Naruto 'randomly' saw Shizuka walking by their booth and began his act. So as soon as she was close Naruto stopped his work and simply stared at her until a random trader close to him.

"Dude she is a ninja here. Don't even try it; I mean remember their rule?" the random guy asked him concerned. Course Naruto just ignored him and walked over to her getting her attention.

"Can I help you?" She asked confused.

"Hello miss I just couldn't help but notice your beauty from my stand. Would you mind joining me for a late lunch?" Naruto asked her clearly trying to flirt with her.

"Um…trader-san you are aware of the village rules, right?" Shizuka asked him with a kind smile.

"Yup, and I want to fight you for the honor of having a beauty like you next to me." Naruto told her with a bright smile that actually made her blush a bit seeing as she wished Sagiri was really this confident.

"Well then I guess we will have to fight…are you sure you want to do this? I mean you are just a trader." She told him looking concerned.

"Heh, don't worry I promise you I am stronger than you think I am." Naruto told her and then followed her to the closest training ground.

~ Training Ground~

"Now trader-san are you sure you want to do this? This is your last chance before I go and get a judge to make this official." She told him seeing as the traders that Sagiri came in were watching clearly worried about their friend.

"Now I am not giving up on you. Oh, and my name is Sagiri or in your case husband not trader-san." Naruto told her trying to show that he truly had a 'love at first sight' moment.

"….hun does Sagiri seem different to you." Sagiri's mother quietly asked her husband.

"Ya, but right now I am more worried about him getting killed by this ninja." He told her before they both looked towards their 'son.' They then watched as Shizuka sped away from them to go get someone to make the match official. Course when she left Sagiri's parents quickly walked up to him.

"Son are you crazy! Trying to fight one of these girls is suicide for civilians like us!" his father asked.

"No actually I have been training for a while to become a bit like a ninja. Don't worry I can do this!" Naruto told them though they clearly didn't believe him. Sadly they both knew that now that it was becoming an official match they couldn't even protect Sagiri from his fate. For seeing as they have been trading with the village for so long that they saw what happened when someone who lost one of these fights tried to escape their fight. For when he was seen trying to escape the entire village began hunting him down. It truly was a terrifying thing for them but it left them with a healthy respect of the village's beliefs. Course while they were thinking Shizuka came back with an older woman (same one that went with her to find Naruto).

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