CH-22 The Hunt

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~In Konoha~

_Haku, Hinata_

Both of the girls were still in Naruto's house even after hearing him quickly rush out of the house to do his duty as a ninja. Course this was partially thanks to Hinata frozen in place blushing badly just thinking of what she did to Naruto and how he was reacting. "Naruto please come back safe from this. Knowing Sasuke-teme he wouldn't leave unless someone was offering him more power meaning he probably won't be alone. Still just come back safe to me…to us. And if possible, rush back after collecting that teme so we can continue what we started now that we have broken into the next level." Hinata thought sending out prayers to whatever deity was listening to keep him safe. (also she currently has no idea her teammate is with him or else she would be a bit worried about him as well)

"Naruto-sama I know that you are strong, easily stronger than me. Still I can't help but wish to go with you on this mission. After all you never know when you need an extra weapon….No you wouldn't want me thinking like that. You are too kind for that. I wished to become your tool and instead you made me into your friend and later your girlfriend. I will still serve you but don't worry I now know how to live better than I was…now all I need is for you to come back and be with me longer Naruto…kun" Haku thought still worried about her boyfriend but knew he could easily take care of himself.


"I know there is something going on I just wish I knew what. But it has to be important seeing as I have never seen Shikamaru-kun move that faster after the Anbu pulled him away from our group families' dinner." Ino thought worried seeing as she was able to see him become completely serious due to the group of their families turning into a friendship that basically made them all feel to be one large family. Even she felt it even if she never really showed how much she cared for her pseudo-brothers. "You even took Choji after a quick chat and he didn't even complain about missing the meal. Something is going on and it is really bad…just please be careful you two." Ino thought hopping for the best but still not really knowing what is going on.

_Group chasing after Sasuke, forest~

Each member of the group was all quietly racing to catch up even making sure to go at speeds that they normally wouldn't use due to it not being good for long travels. Still eventually they reached the group that were apparently going only at a normal speed probably thinking they were in the clear. Though soon enough they saw the pale member of the group who was apparently the leader stop the group and make them all look at them. They were found out meaning there was no times for plans, just for fighting.

"Ah, so I see that the Konoha actually managed to notice us…I must make sure we do not let this happen again." Kimimaro tells them as he watches them all jump out of the trees and land a few feet in front of the direction they were now looking. "But for now, Jirobo take care of them while we go on ahead." He added knowing the chubby man would be best suited for keeping a large group from continuing. His order was soon followed when said man gave the container that Sasuke was in to one of his teammates and walk to the front of their group and quickly slams his hands on the ground

"Earth Release Barrier: Earth Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness" Jirobo called out happily and a dome of stone closed in on the Konoha group who failed to escape the jutsu in time. "Ha, now all of your pathetic group is stuck in this dome while I slowly drain all of you dry of chakra." Jirobo told them happily with both of his hands on the outside of the dome but soon enough he found something out that made his smile fade just a bit. "Che, here I thought this would be relatively quick seeing as they all should have around a normal gennins amount of chakra but for some reason it feels like I am trying to drain an ocean with a sake glass. Just how much chakra do these ninjas have at their disposal?" He questions mentally but still nods to his team's leader and watched as they all left.

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