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Orochimaru base~

Orochimaru currently was sitting on a chair looking through a large file slowly.

"Hmm, It seems that while Kisame did make an Ankaoku Kyo as expected it seems that he failed to keep his ability to transform into a shark form. Not to mention that his shark summons no longer allow themselves to be summoned and his sword fled before he even entered this building…no matter he still will be a fine addition to my forces.

With him added in I already have a couple of thousand Daku soldiers and around one hundred handlers. But of course, many of these are nothing but cannon fodder…I believe it is time for me to go collect more strong additions before the villages become too aware of my plans. Even if it does start bringing attention to what kind of power is in my hands." Orochimaru thought before looking over to a map of all known villages including all ninja villages, towns, samurai villages and many other things. He scanned his eyes over the large map trying to figure out which location would be the best to hit.

"Kukuku, let's show the world just what creatures I have been keeping from them." Orochimaru mutters with a wide smirk on his face. He then decided on his target and quickly summoned a small snake that slithered slowly out of the room. As he waited for the creature to do its' job, he calmly continues to enjoy the thought of the future.

~Konoha; kage tower~

Tsunade currently was working through a large pile of paper much to her displeasure.

"Ugh! Why the hell did I take this job." She grumbles glaring at the papers. Still she buckled down and did the papers till all of a sudden, her door was slammed open by Shizune.

"Lady Tsunade we just received an urgent message from Tamila town!" Shizune told her quickly handing over the scroll. Tsunade quickly grabbed the message and broke the seal.

Lady Tsunade,

We request an immediate assistance with an attacking force that is at least three hundred strong. These forces seem to be strange humans that seem to be black splotches on them. While mostly unarmed they seem to be stronger than our normal guards. Please send at least two teams to help eradicate this threat before our fair town gets overrun. Sealed inside of this scroll is enough money a B rank mission with two teams. If more money is required payments can be discussed after the mission is completed.


Mayor Havyer

"These black creatures again. What is Orochimaru doing…it has to be him. Either way we can't let these black creatures spread." Tsunade thought remembering how fast another black creature were made.

"Shizune fetch me team 7 and team 10 and get their asses here immediately." Tsunade thought after quickly thinking things through.

+15 minutes later+

After hearing the message that they were requested both of the teams went up to the Hokage's office and currently stood in front of Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama you needed us?" Sakura asked.

"I have called both of your teams today because we have just received word that a village is in dire need of help. Even as we speak their guards are fighting a losing battle against a horde of the black creatures that you have faced before Team 7. So, your mission is to immediately eradicate all of these creatures and save the village if possible." Tsunade tells the team firmly who nod. She then looks over to team 10. "As for you three while you are allowed to help with the pest extermination your main focus is to see if there is any normal person controlling the black creatures. According to information that we have received about these creatures is that they are somehow created in a way that they have one person controlling their every movement. Find this man and capture him for interrogation at all costs." She finished explaining getting a nod from the group.

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