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Doctor's office; Shizuka=

"Well, I guess it is time to officially congratulate you." Dr. Mai told her with a smile.

"Y-you mean" Shizuka mumbled with a blush only to get a nod.

"Yes you are officially in the starting phase of your pregnancy." Dr. Mai told her then watched amused as she watched Shizuka rub her stomach gently. "Now you can spend your day rubbing your nonexistent bump in wonder or you can go tell people the good news." She adds making Shizuka blush even more.

"R-right. Thank you, Dr. Mai" Shizuka told her with a quick bow before walking towards the hospital's exit.

"Make sure to come back later for proper instructions and information!" Dr. Mai called out after the girl who just continued to walk. She then sat down in her chair and relaxed. "I wonder just how crazy that kid's chakra is gonna be" She couldn't help but ponder. After all she was well aware of just how ridiculous Uzumaki clan member's chakra was said to be.

~Kage office~

After coming out of the hospital Shizuka immediately ran as fast as she could directly to her mother's office and barged into the room itself. An act that was permitted by the guards only because she was clearly family and they had more than enough members on duty in case it somehow was a trick.

"Mom!" Shizuka yelled out a bit out of breath from her trip.

"Yes honey what is it that made you come barging into my office?" Tsuyoi asked even though she had a fair idea.

"Its official. You finally have your grandchild on the way." Shizuka told her with a small smirk as she placed a hand on her stomach again.

"Oh honey that is wonderful." Tsuyoi told her daughter with a smile on her face giving her a hug. "I know it surely isn't the plan that you dreamed about but you have to be happy to know you have your own little one to spoil and watch grow up." She added making Shizuka blush.

"Y-yea it kind of has passed my mind." Shizuka admitted. After all she has already been going through various things that she could do with her 'daughter' and imagining various moments as she rushed to the office. "But what if I am not a good mother? What if I mess up? W-what if I hurt 'her' before she is even fully developed?" Shizuka asked panicking a little only for her mother to put a finger on Shizuka's lips simply to stop her from talking.

"Shh, it's ok honey. There are loads of people here that can help guide you to be ready for taking care of your little tike and how to be careful during the pregnancy. To start off make sure you get the information Mai has for you and carefully read every last bit of it. But always remember there are loads of us gals that will happily help you." Tsuyoi tells her calming Shizuka down a fair bit. She then takes a step away from her and gives her a smile that failed to reach her eyes. Something that made Shizuka shiver in fear knowing her mother's rage when she was upset. "But if I hear about you doing stuff even though you know it will hurt my grandchild's development, I will personally tie you to a bed and keep you from leaving until I get said grandchild." She added placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "understood?"

"H-hai" Shizuka told her with her back stiff from fear.

"Good" her mother told her quickly loosing her cold look. "Now how about you go let the future dad know the news?" She told Shizuka who quickly nodded and ran back out of the room.

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