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Ugh this is so boring!" Naruto complained falling back on his hospital bed. For while it has been a full day since he got admitted Tsunade still refused to let him leave the hospital until she officially released him. Not to mention to make it worse Haku was making it even worse by not letting him escape; The girl seemed to almost have a radar of some sort for as soon as he tried to leave the hospital, she managed to get in front of him and forced him back into his room. And now he couldn't even try and tease her into letting him have his way due to her refusing to let him treat her any different than any other nurse in fear of what Tsunade told her. Still, he was thrown from his thoughts when he heard a gentle nock on the door. "Come in." Naruto told the person who turned out to be Ayame trying to balance a large bowl in one arm while trying to open the door with another. "Ayame-chan." Naruto called out happily to the girl.

"Hey Naruto-kun how are you feeling?" Ayame asked concerned.

"Heh, I feel fine now just waiting on Baa-chan to let me out of this damn place." Naruto told her flexing his arms only to flinch as he felt pain from his still healing arm. "Heh, okay so maybe I do need to heal a bit more." Naruto told her a bit embarrassed.

*sigh* "I am sure Lady Tsunade knows best. Just lay down and let that arm heal." She told him placing the bowl on a table near him. "course I heard from Haku that you aren't exactly making it easy on her." Ayame says with a glare making Naruto flinch back a bit.

"Hehehe about that." Naruto laughed nervously. "Damn it I love these girls but man they can be scary at times. And she isn't even a ninja for fuck sake!" Naruto thought laying down on his bed simply to avoid her. Thankfully Naruto was spared her glare when she simply shook her head and Naruto's childishness.

"What are we going to do with you Naruto." She told him with a small smirk only to hear Naruto's stomach growl. "Heh how about this Naruto-kun if you stay in your bed and be a good boy, I will make sure that you get a bowl or two of ramen brought to you." Ayame told him laughing at the fact that Naruto quickly gained a sparkle in his eye as he quickly nodded his head. "Well ok then. Dig in." she told him opening the bowl's cover showing it to be ramen.

"Thank you Ayame-chan." Naruto said happily and began to dig in. Mean while Ayame just was watching with a small smile on her face.

"At least I can help you with this." She mumbled just loud enough for Naruto to barely hear her.

"What do you mean?" He asked her slowing down his feasting.

"I mean while you and your team were out risking your life all I could was stay in the shop hoping for your safe return." Ayame admitted squeezing her fists a little in anger.

"Ayame-chanyes we risk our lives but we are ninja. It is what we do." Naruto told her gently.

"But why? Why do you have to risk your life just for a paycheckeach time you leave I am terrified it will be the last time I see you." She told him beginning to cry. Meanwhile Naruto just looked at her for just a moment before putting the bowl down to give her his full attention.

"Ayameyes I won't lie the life of a ninja is dangerous but we take every precaution to make it as safe as possible." Naruto told her honestly.

"But look at you now! You are stuck in the hospital due to mangling your arm." She raised her voice at him.

"Yes, but to be honest this damage was truly due to my own attack." Naruto told her honestly. "Though in all honestly even if something did happen it is just part of the job." Naruto told her not making the girl feel any better. A fact that he quickly noticed and tried to think of a way to fix this. "B-but if it makes you feel better, I will make sure that I try to be safer out on missions. A-and even learn some medical jutsu. Ok?" Naruto told her.

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