CH-45 Nightmares

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"Damn that bastard" Naruto growled out and quickly threw wrapped a few seals onto kunai that he then launched around the room. Said seals then began to glow giving the room a small amount of light letting the group refocus on the new….thing. For soon after Orochimaru left the door behind him opened up to show a sickly looking figure before the darkness started to swallow the ninja. Now with the light back though they were able to get a clear view of the creature in front of them.

A creature that for the most part looks human though it clearly had some tests run on it seeing as it had scales upon its arms and clawed fingers. In fact at this point they weren't sure that they would be able to call the man in front of them human after all the mutations. Thought the one thing that made it worse was the lifeless look the man was giving them. It was the eyes of a man that long since died inside and was simply a shell of what he once was. Thus making him more of a creature than human seeing as his human side seemed to be dormant at best. Course before they could focus anymore on the man in front of them a noise behind the man made them look past him and see that there was about a dozen more that were all in various stages of mutation. Though sadly each one of them had the same lifeless eyes as the first one.

"Okay team let's take these…people out." Yamato ordered the three ninja getting small nod in course. Soon after he said this, they had only seconds worth of time before the group was closing in ono them. Thankfully though this group of mutations seemed to be relatively slow.

"What the fuck is that bastard doing to people?" Naruto mumbled out as he prepared to face their newest enemy. A statement that all but one of them was thinking as well.

"Huh, it seems that Orochimaru has been creating soldiers that by the look of things don't have much free will. I wonder how he manages his training regimen?" Sai thinks mentally noting that Lord Danzo would like to have information on these new kind of soldiers. Still he pushed that thought aside when they closed in on them and quickly began to draw a few lions to fight with. Meanwhile he noticed that Sakura was seemingly getting ready to use her super strength when they got close while he couldn't get a read on Yamato. Though of course Naruto was the one who had enough of waiting for them and rushed one of the many that were attacking.

Said blond rushed at the first man with a kunai in hand and easily dodged the slow punch that the man gave him. He quickly took advantage of the opening and slit the man's throat ending the threat. Course this only added to their disgust.

"What the hell? Why do they have black blood?" Naruto asked looking both at his blade and the puddle forming close to him. "These guys have this tar like substance as blood." Naruto informs everyone who were of course noticing the same thing. Course now that they knew this they also couldn't help but notice the black veins that could clearly be seen on the men.

"Worry about the experiments Orchimaru's done later. For now just eliminate the threat." Yamato ordered the blond who quickly refocused and help disposed of the rest of the people coming from the depths of the base. Course their group quickly noticed one thing that felt strange to them. The enemy that they were facing were truly not up to ninja caliber. In fact from what they saw even a group of normally trained swordsman could take care of this group easily…they wouldn't even need samurai training. In fact it truly made their fight become more of a ninja vs. civilian battle which made them feel even worse for having to kill what probably were just that before Orochimaru caught them. Course right when they began realizing just how easy of a fight they were having a few of the men began to have smoke coming off of them right when they got close. A fact that made all their eyes widen slightly as they quickly jumped far away from the few 'burning' men who soon after exploded sending black blood and chunks of body everywhere. Though thankfully they were all able to avoid the blast.

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