CH-33 Datomi's Plan

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Fu and Naruto still stood still simply watching the group of wannabe Akatsuki members. Said group instead of worrying about the two simply drew out either kunai or their swords to get ready to beat them into a near death state. Then suddenly the leader rushed at the two jinchuriki with his group quickly following his lead. So, Fu and Naruto quickly jumped a ways away from the attackers while Fu made her bugs swarm towards them forcing the others to stop their charge. She then followed them with her swarm forcing the four ninja to constantly keep moving.

"Che, no wonder they didn't want to fight her. This bitch is just nasty using all these bugs." One of the guys complained looking at the swarm that piled up just two feet away from him with disgust. He then grabbed one of his kunai and charged it with lighting chakra and threw it at the swarm frying hundreds of them. "Guys remember they are just bugs stop worrying so much about dogging them and take care of them." He ordered his group charging two more kunai and began killing off as many of them as he could without using too much chakra. An idea his group soon followed with two of them using fire jutsus to burn them and the other copying the leader's electric kunai strategy.

Seeing this Fu begins to gain a horrified expression on her face then quickly recalled her bugs to save their lives. "Damn you humans!" She growled out now angry and clearly ready to charge at them.

"Fu. Calm down…remember even if these guys don't seem all that bright we need to fight them carefully seeing as there has to be a reason THAT group wants them." Naruto told the girl who still seemed annoyed but more in control of herself.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Fu asked without losing her focus on the enemies. She then watched as Naruto created one hundred clones that rushed at the four men who still stood in basically the same area they were originally.

"There that should be able to hold them for a little bit. Now thankfully even though these guys have to be pretty strong if the Akatsuki would consider them they still are underestimating us….they must either have not been told why were are wanted and dangerous or they are just EXSTREMELY cocky. Either way we need to take advantage of this while we can." Naruto thought with a small smile before using his distraction to whisper his plan to Fu who gained a smirk as well.

Naruto then nodded his head at her before turning back to the now annoyed ninja and began rushing at them while Fu didn't move an inch. Naruto quickly reached one of the group who still was focused on killing the four clones that were trying to cut at him with kunai. He then grabbed out a kunai and slashed at the man as well to blend in with his clones. He kept doing this for about a minute until he finally was certain that the man would have no idea which one of the clones was him before raising his empty hand to quickly form a blade made from chakra on his hand which resembled a chakra scalpel and quickly tried to stab the older ninja with it. An attack that caught the man completely off guard seeing as Naruto purposely pierced through his own clones back to prevent the man from seeing it. Though sadly due to the man being an A rank ninja he was able to prevent his attack from killing him completely by attempting to jump back fast enough that the attack cut deep into his side. Still the wound was bad enough that he clipped on of the man's lungs causing the man to be at a major disadvantage. Sadly said man quickly began to seemingly heal some of the damage as the hand that he held there glowed green. Course before he could finish off the guy one of the guy's teammates covered for him.

Naruto then spend the next several minutes trying to fight all four of the men by himself while making a new set of clones every now and then to keep them from overpowering him.

"Damn it boy just give up already. We both know that you stand no chance against us and you are not our target…so tell you what, if you leave now and let us get the girl we will pretend you never bothered us. I mean look at her she isn't even willing to protect herself and instead just letting you die for her." The leader explained.

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