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~Team Gai; different places~

Each member of the team stared down the clone of themselves ready for a fight even thought they all were quite surprised by the fact that their opponents were themselves.

"Ya know that of all the shit we could face I have to admit this wasn't even on the list of what I expected." Tenten thought trying to figure out how this was even possible. Still, she was well aware that this really wasn't the time for too much thinking so she quickly pushed those thoughts away. Instead she pulled out several kunai and quickly launched them at her clone only for it to do the same thing perfectly.

*sigh* "This is going to be annoying isn't it?" She muttered preparing herself for a real fight. Afterall no one ever has a plan ready to beat themselves.

Meanwhile the rest of her team were having similar thoughts and experiences all around the area. They all just prepared themselves for anything that this thing could do while hoping the other group would be fine without their back up for a while.

~Naruto and group~

As soon as Naruto saw Deidara sitting on Gaara and treating his body so poorly he quickly felt rage bubble up inside of him.

"No. Naruto you have to be calm. Remember what Jiraiya told you. The beast feeds on my rage and the more I allow it to take hold the worse its hold is on me." Naruto tells himself mentally trying to calm his thoughts as much as he could.

"Hmm, it seems Itachi doesn't know his target all that well." Deidara thinks a bit annoyed remembering the man's words

~"The Kyuubi host will be the first one to show rage at you for killing Gaara. He will most likely attack you soon after he sees said containers body." ~

"Che, bastard could have given at least a description before he cut off his connection. Guess the shit doesn't want us taking his bounty that he has failed to collect several times nowbut too fucken badmaybe if I just stir the pot a bit" He thinks with an evil smirk.

"G-gaara" Temari muttered truly heartbroken to see her brother's fate.

Deidara just chuckles a bit. "Sorry little girl but the deed is done already." He told her with a smile. "This sandy bastard put up a good fight but in the end was just as pitiful as the rest of you hopeless foolsI still don't know how this demon ever made his village think he was worth having as a kage." He adds with his grin staying on his face. A grin that got even bigger as he saw various levels of anger in the groups members. Though he quickly noticed one that's eyes almost seemed to have red bleeding into them.

"You bastard!" Naruto growled out with thoughts of calming down pushed out of his mind.

"And it looks like we found the demon." Deidara thinks happily before standing up and quickly creating a clay bird in his hands. Said bird quickly expanded hundreds of times over until it was big enough to easily pick Gaara's body up into its mouth. He then jumps onto the bird and takes off out of the cave.

"Grr. You aren't going to escape." Naruto tells him quickly chasing after him.

"Damn it! I thought that he grew past these stupid spur of the moment mistakeshe is going to get someone killed!" Kakashi thinks annoyed but quickly follows after the blond with Sai following after him. Meanwhile Chiyo, Sakura, and Temari all stayed still simply watching as the other Akatsuki member stood perfectly still in the caveor at least they assumed he was standing.

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